Just days after we had an article about Pelosi trying to fuck with AOC. Coincidence? Yes of course. Hope she gets better soon even if I would prefer she retired already.
Oh wow, thanks for the info
I've heard that you want to not use acidic food on some, since it will dissolve some of the plate into the food.
Just watched this 🤣
I was having a bad couple days when i listened to this so I didn't pay enough attention and need to re listen to it.
For now here is the link to the goodreads reviews: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/215760525-livesuit
What is it supposed to be?
Any sources on this?
I'm a socialist and i voted for Harris. :(
I love you.
I love it. The pageantry, half naked sting, the cure that was a rat taped to a cat that had to be milked