Nobody wants Florida. It just shows up as part of your country one day. No one is sure how it got there but you are too terrified to kick them out because of Florida man.
You expect this man to mingle with the poors? What if he had to talk to someone or got bumped into? Perish the thought of this man interacting with anyone below his socioeconomic status.
I keep remembering Kissinger lived to be nearly 100. Evil ages you terribly, but that piss and hatered keeps you going.
List jobs for pay so low no one will take it, or make standards impossible to meet, i.e. you need 5 years experience of this program that has only existed for 3. See no one in US qualifies gotta go overseas
What if we just execute them but make it a Pay Per View event? We can raise money for helping out other immigrants
Ah yes. The best kind of election interference posting the results of your poll. Maybe Harris should sue too since it was so far off and gave her false hope. Hell better idea lets toss the pollster into jail for fucking up so bad. In fact any poll that was wrong straight to jail. Off by more than your margin of error? Straight to jail. Post a poll the God Emperor hates? Believe it or not straight to jail
Dont forget the drugs. Dude probably hasnt come down in forever so he may literally be living in an alternate reality due to that.
Trump runs on hate and vengence. Based on Kissinger he is going to live to be 200
I do not believe for 1 second any of the talk from either Hawley or Tillis is truthful. They say they oppose the recess appointments but they will end up rubber stamping anyoneTrump puts forward. I really think Gaetz would have gotten through. Oh sure Mukorwski or Collins would be "very concerned" about it but would vote accordingly.
Until the US starts giving them munitions because we have to fight the deep state/globalists that infect Europe.