Glad to know that the dumdums in my country can remain dumdums. I can’t imagine what I would’ve done otherwise
You can do both. Won’t hurt anything
Folded over so the cheese is on the outside then held with ham fists.
Better yet, Chicago style, but folded over so the sauce is on the outside and then eaten no hands like a pie contest
Totally agree. Good track pads are a must for me if I were to get a replacement
How much did the producers or other staff affect what was going on, for example did they ask you to say things a different way, or act more outrageous/slutty etc
If you haven’t before, try salsa sometime
I’ll be sad if valve doesn’t make a SD2, but I get it. They just want to grow their market. If other OEMs are doing it on their own R&D dime all the better for valve.
Been there bro
My barber is a very old vet named Gary, who converted an old stage coach stable into the barbershop. He’s always got an old western or war movie on. The walls are plastered with pictures dating back to WW2. It always smells of cigarette smoke, and his haircuts honestly aren’t great. But I still go cause I love the atmosphere and story (smoke not so much)
That’s part of what they were getting at. Anytime you want to freeze something, it should be in the freezer. Attempting to over engineer a hack to put it in a warmer space sets it up to fail.
There are a few repair guys who’ve made YouTube videos and they all say about the same thing. If the icemaker is in the door, it’s going to break. And the fancier, the refrigerator is the more costly the repair. A basic GE fridge with simple ice maker in the freezer will last. Just won’t look nice