Please don't let the fact that these numbers have been arriving every day for 3 years now, numb you to the horrors behind these numbers.
Ukraine needs our help more than ever.
there was a need to adjust some of the positions of the enemy’s total losses - personnel
The number for personnel was adjusted up by 1650.
If you have 380/400V 16A induction, it's not even close.
But be careful, if you have ceramic coated pans for instance, and you use the high power settings to heat it up, your pans won't last long, as the ceramic may crack because of the fast heat up. We lost 2 pans that way. 😋
We also had a cheap cooking pot, where it developed a crack between the main pot and the apparently cheaply attached heat spreading bottom.
This made the pot sputter because water was collected in the crack when washed.
When I boil eggs, i time it from the moment the water is boiling. But with out new stove, the water boils so fast, I've had to add 2 minutes to the time they boil!!
Our electric kettle is 2.2 kW. But boiling a liter of water on the stove is still more than twice as fast!! Meaning the stove must be putting more than 4.4 kW to the pot, on the smallest cooking spot!!
Obviously that is only possible for 1 spot at a time, I figure the max must be around 6kW combined.
I can't think of any advantages, gas stoves are slower, they are harder to clean, they give off an insane amount of wasted heat, which is uncomfortable in hot weather, and they noticeably degrade air quality unless you have very good ventilation.
The only possible advantage I can think of, is that you can use cheaper equipment on gas. but not always, because non metal handles tend to get ruined on gas stoves.
All in all induction is superior. 😎