The Southern Poverty Law Center explains the sovcit kind far better than I can here. https://www.splcenter.org/resources/extremist-files/moorish-sovereign-citizens/
I feel weird about it too. But in a weird way Doug Ford sometimes really does intend to do the right thing. When COVID hit, I will give him a millionth of a point that he actually did seem to want to be supportive, he was giving people who got laid off his phone number to call him anytime, and was quite emotional about it. It's a shame he's from such an unethical background and party, if he were ethical and wanted to be progressive, I think he actually could have impact. He's not really a conservative, he's just a brand for them. For some reason I hate him a tiny bit less than Mike Harris.
I saw someone on Facebook today talking about the orange rapist's claim that the US subsidizes us. Um, no.
It's a Moorish Science Temple greeting. Black sovcits are often from this branch of sovcittery, who are a wild ride even for the ones who aren't sovcits. Similar to the Hoteps or Black Hebrew Israelites. Quite a few sovcits are black.
I think more like 7/10 victims,1/10 scammers, and 2/10 people who are just obnoxious and oppositional and greedy. That's my observation from looking at them so often..
When an individual who is sort of weird and conspiratorial gets into this, I understand why, and the Moorish ones because they have sort of an organization or the American State National ones; there's a loose organization of people there being suckered as a group. But when an individual average person finds their way to this, and they have just your average middle class family, I honestly wonder where this comes from. I discovered a friend of mine on Facebook had a friend in one of these groups and told her, and she was taken aback because she was just someone who she took a Photoshop class from that she met through her business network, and she has a business of her own and seems so normal. Those are the ones I don't understand how they got there.
Why is Brave bad?
My coworker loves Trump loudly and obnoxiously. But she's mad about the tariffs and votes for the NDP here, but says he's "doing good things for his country", but can't identify what. She doesn't know anything about weaponized disinformation, Russian troll farms, or dark money, and I very gently explained these things to her today, and saw this dim light turning on behind her eyes. So many people don't know how badly they've been suckered by weaponized disinformation and dark money.
Odd. How can you be too sympathetic?
Who gives a damn about the deficit. When did that ever really matter?
Isn't it great? Kim is SUCH a good poet.
It's like when I used to cover my eyes so my cousint couldn't see me when I was 4 so he wouldn't tickle me.