
joined 2 years ago
[–] Bondrewd -2 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

Weeelll not for long. Open kernel module works like a charm for me. Wayland support is now actively worked on and is already functional for the most part. HDMI 2.1 was always supported while AMD would not be able to. HDR and 10 bit support also dropped just now.

[–] Bondrewd 5 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Of course they do. People today confuse most online arguments for people being knowlegable within their field with people being knowlegable on winning the same argument over and over.

That is why any debate over here is not to be taken seriously. Let the source hoarders have their fun, its not your game.

[–] Bondrewd 7 points 9 months ago

FYI: Zenfone 8 got 2 years of software support and they forcefully closed down the ability to root it almost right after support ended, even lying they will turn it back on to no avail.

I do not recommend anyone to choose an Asus as their next phone. Im ashamed I bought so much Asus PC parts since.

[–] Bondrewd 2 points 9 months ago

It means that literally nobody fucking wanted or asked for this, yet this quirky useless stuff exists.

[–] Bondrewd 1 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Who were "they"?

[–] Bondrewd 1 points 9 months ago (4 children)

There are 100000 of these happening every year. Every kind of outlet is working on squeezing the fuck out of events like that. You can drop a pin on the ground and the news will try to make the world out of it. Constantly trying to jumpstart some bullshit.

Jesus and "his followers" are more akin to an early psychedelic/hippie movement with all the ideas that came with it. They were in a way the pioneers of society, the one that eventually brought an order of higher level equality.

[–] Bondrewd 5 points 10 months ago

I also want a fountain people throw money into.

[–] Bondrewd 3 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Pretty significant that the initial revolution also began with the mutiny in Kronstadt.

In retrospective Kronstadt was the warrant canary of the revolution. They kind of began the whole thing so it was a strong sign that they revolted again for a last time after the revolution.

[–] Bondrewd 10 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (3 children)

Im not even sure if people without basic contextual understanding should be mods.

Maybe the joke is inappropriate for what he is building there, but calling someone a nazi, especially without evidence is a pretty serious accusation.

EDIT: reading all his posts and comments though... oofta

[–] Bondrewd 5 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

It might very well be trauma but the building blocks of the affection related issues are often based in the 0-3 years of age. Your mother left you with someone else for a week? You will have trust issues for life.

[–] Bondrewd 5 points 10 months ago

Well they do sound like a blender and some might think they are broken.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Bondrewd to c/android

You cant. They just shut down the server and removed the unlocker app from their site. Maybe, just maybe, they will release a "rewritten version" in the coming months according to some guy on xda who asked them.

This shit is the last asus product Im buying for a loong time if ever.


Launching a game means that the entire Steam Window fades and it will become entirely unusable until the game starts. That is not a separate startup window, thats just an embedded element inside the main one. If you accidentally click outside, the game startup gets canceled.

It is a bit more than mildly frustrating when Im waiting on the Vulkan shaders for BFV for like half an hour to process.


I have nothing to do with your software, just saw this sub by random chance.

I would like to warn you that the Fennec name is already taken by a Firefox fork for android. It might get confusing once you want to upload your client to f-droid repos.


I have been waiting for this badboy to arrive. It is said to have 6mm planar drivers in it and it pretty much handles like an etymotic. Actually, that is the main reason I was instantly sold. You can even push em deep (but does not need it), has foam, double flange, special thingy to keep it in your ear. Easy to drive, very sensitive to EQ.

On the other hand, for most people it was kind of meh for several reasons. I dont know whether I jumped the gun on buying it. We will see.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Bondrewd to c/[email protected]

The 3 main colabs I have seen are:

  • HBB: I still have no idea who this guy is, but he is shitting out colabs left and right all the time.
  • Crinacle: He is the least annoying colab guy and actually tries to preserve some kind of integrity.
  • Zeos: He is just plugging his own shit and kind of behaves like a crackhead. His personality is becoming less okay for how much he is promoting shit.

How do you see colabs? Are they useful at all? Is there a difference in quality and effort?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Bondrewd to c/[email protected]

I have been looking at Fairphone and Volla, and it feels like the Smartphone scene for Linux is going very strong right now.

Think of it like this: We got 3-4 end-user ready Ubports smartphones, ~~made by IN Europe~~(Volla/Gigaset is), with recent hardware, swappable battery, very good service and repairability in various formats. You can even purchase Gigaset phones (commercial equivalents of Volla) in stores/Amazon for a very good price.

The immediate orbiters of Linux smartphones like Fxtec, Planet Computers and Jolla are also based here.

I think we reached the year of the Linux phones. Atleast it is not the niche it was in 2020. I wonder how usable ubports is. If you got any experience with these phpnes on ubports, feel free to share.

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