Same here. Just because I believe nothing matters, doesn't mean I want other people to suffer.
Nihilism ≠ Hate
Same here. Just because I believe nothing matters, doesn't mean I want other people to suffer.
Nihilism ≠ Hate
I used to pre-mix peanut butter and a sick of butter in my kitchen aid and leave it in the fridge for this exact reason.
Sometimes I'd also add Sriracha
I work in MEP and our emails are always considered legal documents as they can be used as evidence if ever we are taken to court. So we always treat them very technical and try to over explain everything so clients/plan reviewers/contractors can't misinterpret. It's kind of an old school thing, but the head of our department is an old school guy.
"Now say, fuzzy pickles!"
Watch as angry ticks fly out of my nipples!
Engineer here.
Typically when I type out professional emails or documents that contain numerical values, I write out the number followed by the digits in brackets if it is ten [10] or below for cases of amount, unless I am listing out the counts of items, then I only use digits.
"The updated electrical design will require three [3] new, pad-mount 500kVA transformers to replace the three [3] existing 225kVA transformers,each located on floors four, five, and six."
The Pledge of Ethics?
Maybe Micro$oft should pull themselves up by their bootstraps and cut back on the avocado toast....Cunts.
It's like "New Chicken Salad! Now with juicy blisters!"
Best case scenario it doesn't make it worse, but it defo doesn't make it any better.
In my opinion... On the internet...
I concur with this, and also submit apples/grapes in chicken salad should be considered culinary abuse.
I'd like to experiment with other non-capitalist based systems in various points of infra-structure of my country.
I don't think this "only make money in all things, all the time" shit is a smart way to manage numerous complex systems.
I don't have all the answers on how that shakes out, but I think the first move would be to only allow professionals experienced in respective fields to set up these experiments. Existing profitable systems and overseeing corporations be damned.
We have a family member who is special needs, and their family relies on government help to get by...
They may have to leave, and it breaks my heart.