Does the pope shit in the woods?
If she doesn't want it on her it's going on the floor. I'm not about to risk a child because "it feels better."
I used to date a girl who took birth control and preferred I just do it inside. But I also know a couple who got pregnant while using birth control.
That relationship didn't last long.
It's Batananaluski! It ain't that hard!
Every time I hear "Urgent" I think a' dat chick's boobs.... Covered in vomit...
Hell yeah I like that belt! Is that from the '83 tour?
Smugglers Run - Good premise. I think it could be great with the right modern touches.
Tenchu: Stealth Assassins - I know Sekiro started that way but I'd like a legit sequel with legit developed mechanics/story from the originals.
MTV Music Generator/Music 2000 - I think the multiplayer Jam Mode was ahead of its time, and someone should revisit that aspect in a modern mindset.
I've been saying this for YEARS.
I had high hopes for Hellish Quart; But it just didn't quite get there for me. It's been a long time since I played it. Not sure if they've added more polish since then...
Schindlers List...
I am very sorry.
We used to have a local band called "John Cougar Concentration Camp", and it's still one of my all-time favorite band names...
I think of it every time one of this turd's mid-life crisis jams come within earshot.
Are we not doing "phrasing" anymore?!
I do MEP design for commercial buildings in the US. If a job ever shows "EWC", I don't ask for specs, I assume the EZH2O until either the job goes out with that spec, or the client directly refuses to use that model.
Anything less, is uncivilized.