I own multiple Iron Maiden tshirts but not one piece of medieval torture equipment!
joined 1 year ago
Since when does twat rhyme with not?
I was taught in school (UK in the '90s) that putting a comma in that spot is outright wrong. As an adult I realised it is much clearer and always use it.
Have you ever played Mornington Crescent?
I'm not from the USA, I thought a felony is a crime at the national level, not the state level? How can a state specify that?
The Windows file copy team?
Specifically in the "D parts of the human body" section?! Is there a "V parts..." section as well?
Managed to get Lemmy in the end
I took the same picture walking the dogs earlier!
Not exclusively, I have occasionally finished things that were challenging more than enjoyable. But I'm thinking about the content, not that they were just poorly written. Eg books on fgm, holocaust, etc.