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[–] BlitzoTheOisSilent 7 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

Did the Confederacy actually lose, though? Or did the Union just suffer a pyrrhic victory?

Edit: Just saying, the Confederacy lost but their flag is still flown on the state flag of Mississippi, Reconstruction didn't go far enough and failed, sharecropping, Jim Crow laws, segregation, civil rights movement opposition, systemic and societal racism is still rampant and accepted (Trump), hell, the "state's rights" arguments is still one of the first reasons people give for the cause of the Civil War. Fuck, we still have legal slavery via our prison system.

So... Did the Confederacy actually lose? Cause they're ideology, beliefs, and the consequences of their hate is still rampant, and we're still dealing with their bullshit.

[–] BlitzoTheOisSilent 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

That's dismissing all the ~~actions~~ clothing choices that led up to being ~~beaten~~ raped.

See how ridiculous your argument sounds now?

[–] BlitzoTheOisSilent 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

But the idea that you ought to is.

But that's not the idea: self defense is not the same as a mass shooting, and you refusing to differentiate that gives me the vibe you aren't arguing in good faith.

The UK doesn't have gun violence, they have knife violence. So are you going to tell someone not to carry a knife for self defense because it's a potentially deadly weapon?

that the solution is a gun.

Sometimes it is, bud, welcome to the real world. If you're being attacked, especially if you're outnumbered, your argument is basically "you should have talked your way out if it, or just taken the assault, rather than use a tool you may legally be allowed to use to protect yourself." Do you ask rape victims what they were wearing before the assault too?

They clearly couldn't rely on bystanders to intervene, like people attempted to for George Floyd, and the victims were outnumbered and clearly overpowered. Had one of them been carrying a firearm, the assholes who just assaulted two people for existing may have been deterred.

[–] BlitzoTheOisSilent 8 points 3 months ago

they'll just turn those services over to private companies that receive tax dollars for ~~providing~~ pretending to provide that service to the public.


[–] BlitzoTheOisSilent 2 points 3 months ago

It's some people's heritage to wear nazi swastikas. Doesn't mean it's acceptable.


Comparing a high school student who wanted to wear the flag of their ancestral homeland on their graduation day to...

Nazi Germany. Do you know where the swastika comes from? It's actually an ancient Hindu symbol that's been used throughout India for thousands of years.

So are you going to tell the world's Hindu population they're not allowed to celebrate their religious heritage because white supremacists on the other side of the world decided to steal a symbol from it?

I don't think wearing a symbol started by the guy who invented airplane hijacking and suicide vests for children is a good one.


First, the first use of a suicide vest was in 1881, and it was in Russia. The first airplane hijacking (or skyjacking) was in Peru in 1931. So idk where you pulled "invented airplane hijacking and suicide vests for children" from other than out your ass.

Second, since this was a school function, how many country's flags were flown in that auditorium? Because the British, and by extension the Australian, flag I'm sure is symbolic of a plethora of cruelty and inhumane actions throughout their colonizing history.

And last time I checked, the Australian government didn't have a phenomenal history of treating their indigenous population with the utmost respect and humanity.

So maybe worry less about a kid wearing a scarf with the flag of their heritage on it and the "sYmBoLiSm" of it all, and just let a kid be a kid. Or, if you're going to bar one symbol for being "unacceptable" due to individual interpretation, then they all need to be taken down. You don't get to say a Palestinian flag is controversial and upsetting, but an Australian one isn't, or any country's flag for that matter.

[–] BlitzoTheOisSilent 6 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Is this prevalent in Korea too? I had always heard it was more of a Japanese cultural issue, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was present in other countries in the region/world.

[–] BlitzoTheOisSilent 6 points 3 months ago

But Hamas settled in Israeli land, robbing it from Israeli families who held it for generations!

Wait, that was Israel settling Palestinian land...

But Hamas has spent decades walling off Israeli neighborhoods, essentially creating ghettos where residents may be restricted from leaving their own homes and are essentially isolated from the world and their communities!

Wait, that was Israel again...

But Hamas has been treating Israeli's as second class citizens, throwing their garbage onto their heads from the streets above, and forcing them to live under military-law with no protections since Israelis aren't citizens of Hamas!

Wait... That was Israel, again...

But Hamas killed over 43,000 Israelis over the course of the last year in response to Israel killing 1200 of their citizens and taking several hundred more hostage!

Fuck, that was Israel too... Shit.

[–] BlitzoTheOisSilent 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

really though, he's changed the course entirely on anti trust. these are the first meaningful anti trust cases since the 90s. it's actually a huge deal.

And how long after Trump takes office will Biden's anti-trust cabinet members be ousted and their decisions reversed?

And assuming they aren't, in what meaningful way does the average American benefit from Google, a multi-billion dollar corporation, being forced to sell one part of their business? You're going to say, "Well, innovation won't be hampered like it was with telecommunication under AT&T, and this is a step in the right direction!"

But Walmart hasn't been broken up, or Amazon who have their hands in every pot from online retail to internet infrastructure to server and cloud hosting to DoD contracts, or any of the other sectors that we've watched slip into monopolies and duopolies over the last couple decades.

If you asked the average American, would they even know who Kahn is? Or that the FTC is even going after Google for Chrome? And if they don't, why couldn't the Biden admin effectively communicate that?

Because they get money from the same donors, the same monopolies that they're "busting up."

the true power of the president is in appointments.

Good thing Biden put Garland in the AG seat, couldn't have found a better neoliberal centrist to slow-walk criminal proceedings against a treasonous former president for attempting a coup on national television. Or is Garland not part of Biden's legacy because it's a bad part.

Biden failed his country, because he lives in a completely different one, and has his entire life. He's a career politician who helped enact a lot of the policies the DNC champions today despite their unpopularity and blatant failure rate (keep reaching across that aisle, Joe, I'm sure the GOP will be willing to compromise and act in good faith any day now).

And you know what the biggest indicator is that Biden, the DNC, and Harris, failed our country? They lost to fascism. If Americans saw meaningful progress over the past four years, and if the DNC is so much better than the GOP, why did they lose? Again.

[–] BlitzoTheOisSilent 3 points 3 months ago


Neither is chicken...

[–] BlitzoTheOisSilent 2 points 3 months ago

From the party that just rubbed elbows with every Cheney to try and shore up moderate-Republican votes for "I have a Glock" Harris?

[–] BlitzoTheOisSilent 2 points 3 months ago

freely offer anything of any value whatsoever to poor people without some strings attached or some sort of hidden agenda.

I agree, especially, as you said, from a state like TX.

I'm in the Northeast, my state offers tuition-free community college to all residents, but veterans can go to any state school tuition-free.

Tuition free, not just flat out free. Usually you're still required to pay any and all fees (like lab fees and what not), as well as books and supplies and all that, and then any taxes or whatever.

So yes, you can save a lot of money through programs like this, but they don't make college education completely free.

[–] BlitzoTheOisSilent 3 points 3 months ago

Whoo!! Better than Latvia!

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