OpenAI accidentally killing themselves over this.
Support is ... haphazard at best. Integration into OS package suites require the devs of different subsystems to agree on a set of dependencies actually supported by mainstream distros.
SteamVR Linux needs serious updating.
Getting a Quest to VR wirelessly in a manner that is actually usable is an exercise harder than brain surgery.
Rather funny that some of these are in code if(useragent == chatgpt) kind of sillyness. You need heiuristics to detect scrapers, because they'll just report their user agent as the average user's browser.
Third game turns it around - those guys are the bad guys, they always have been. The second game was an "enemy mine" kind of situation. Not every fascist is facist for facism's sake. A lot of them think they're saving the world. You, as the player, make sure they get what's coming to hem.
"Pulse: 300! Liver: Failing! Cholestorol: 40?"
"That's not so bad..."
"No, 40 lbs!"
As long as it records the camera video unaltered. I wouldn't trust the Enhance button just yet, but it looks like a lot of useful features to simplify forensics.
"What makes a man neutral?"
Prepare your faces, because here comes the Leopard!
Dust devils are the worst, especially when it crosses the power, water, and the drone hub at the same time.
Whatever you do, do not put these next to the urine samples
It would be cool if they actually called themselves the NCR
Diesel straight up doesn't run when it gets cold enough. Diesel fuel becomes jelly in the negatives. They have to mix it with avgas to keep it liquid enough.