
joined 2 years ago
[–] Bitswap 2 points 1 week ago
[–] Bitswap 1 points 1 week ago

I was pleasantly surprised when I saw this as my desktop background this morning.

[–] Bitswap 4 points 1 week ago

Love it. This was me and my now wife for our 20s and early 30s. I remember those times very fondly and think it really solidified lots of things for me.

It's a far cry from my life today...

[–] Bitswap 1 points 3 weeks ago

Don't know. Saw it on my feed.

There's only a few posters and essentially no comments. So I'd imagine it's people who work for the major multinational corp. Also, a few years ago, Intel had a cult following of gamers...

[–] Bitswap 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Do you think deepseek is "on top"?

[–] Bitswap 13 points 1 month ago (1 children)

None of the photos are loading for me...even when I visit

[–] Bitswap 1 points 1 month ago

I haven't done that since I was 6. I made an eagle, then painted and fired it. I still have it. It looks nothing like an eagle.

[–] Bitswap 2 points 1 month ago

Let's see anyone update or the finished board!

[–] Bitswap 1 points 1 month ago

I actually just repleace mine. I found that it was actually getting pretty slow at browsing the web. Websites have so much garbage code running on them these days. Funny that the new Samsung phones have the same amount of RAM and storage.

Also, the security updates thing was getting to me. I have way to much banking info exposed on my phone to keep using it out of security update window.

[–] Bitswap 2 points 1 month ago

Mini racks are not for people using traditional rack mount devices. Mini racks are for SBCs, NUCs and other Small form factor PCs.

I for one am a fan. I will never want traditional 19" inch rack mount server devices in my home. Too much power, noise and heat.

Now...I just need to get an Nvidia DIGITs to mount on my mini rack.

[–] Bitswap 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

My understanding is that post NEC 2023 tandem breakers will not meet code. Yes, you can still buy them and yes I could put them in without people knowing..but that's not the way I do upgrades. You can still buy quad breakers but I don't think those ever met code.

Thanks for the info. I likely could be fine with a 20a/240v circuit...but i don't even have that available currently. I'll do some more research on the tandem breakers.

[–] Bitswap 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I see you didn't really read what I wrote and are just talking about running a new circuit. That is one of the 3 upgrades I need.

A panel upgrade is not a small operation and I highly doubt anyone could do it in under an hour. A panel upgrade consists of removing all breakers from the panel, disconnecting all wires, disconnecting all conduits from the panel pulling all wires out of the panel, (in my case enlarging the hole in the wall for the new panel), reinserting all wires, attaching conduit, redoing internal panel wiring, and putting breakers back in.

I've done plenty of basic electrical work. Electrical work is not complex, it just takes the knowledge of what is to code and if there are specialty codes for the state, county and/or city. I do not have time to study all the code and plan the upgrade.

Future proofing upgrades is very much in my interest. If I have to touch something or upgrade something...its going to be overdesigned/overbuilt because I don't ever want to have to touch it again.


I currently don't have much time to put into hobbies, but I did some gardening/landscaping during a break in the rain last weekend. Felt great to get out and move around. Garden finally is put to bed for the winter (or what's left of it).

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by Bitswap to c/space

Europa Clipper is NASA’s mission to explore one of Jupiter’s four large Galilean satellites. Europa has an icy outer crust that covers an ocean world. It holds twice as much water as Earth’s oceans. So, Scientists want to know more about the habitability – the ability for some form of live to exist – on this large moon.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by Bitswap to c/space

So many interesting things come out of NIAC funding

[SMBC] Grounded (
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by Bitswap to c/comicstrips

Alt Text: "But you should see what happened to the first-born"


submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by Bitswap to c/space

This is a pretty great image of Sagittarius A

Foundation advice (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Bitswap to c/homeimprovement


Red is a concrete foundation. Black is rotting wood foundation that needs to be replaced.

Foundation issues suck. House has foundation issues. Most of the foundation will need to be replaced. Part of the house currently has a wood foundation which is rotting. There is an addition which has a concrete foundation. (See image above).

I know that the wood foundation can be replaced with a pier and post foundation. They can stabilize the house, dig and pour piers, then use metal posts to brace the house at the right height.

Is a pier and post foundation the only option? Is there a way to do a concrete foundation?

Edit: The image is a top down look at the perimeter of the house. The red part is a ~600 sqft addition. The black part is the main house.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Bitswap to c/space

I can't get enough JWST images

submitted 1 year ago by Bitswap to c/system76

Saw this new community from the landing page as a trending community. Just wanted to drop in and say that I had the great opportunity to chat with these guys as a supplier. The relationship didn't work out in the end, but these guys are just so cool and dedicated to making awesome products.

I know that my next system will be a system76 system.

Keep up the great work guys!



couldn't help it (
submitted 2 years ago by Bitswap to c/

I'm not usually one to repost/post memes...but its almost believable

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