I always use this place. So far has always worked for me.
They were probably projecting and expressing their disappointments in not becoming their own ideal self. Anyways! My answer was going to be taking in all the wonderful art and creations people like you would have the freedom to create.
That is what I thought too. I was laughing to myself thinking, one of the worst people I know just said something that I think I support. I also agree a UBI would be a much better solution. I can’t even imagine how I’d feel if Ron Desantis supported that. I’d probably think of Viktor Frankl, renowned psychologist and holocaust camp survivor, who said something like, (I’m going to paraphrase from memory) anyone can begin making responsible choices at any point in their life and begin to live a life of purpose. I try to carry that wishing no ill will and second chance mentality. Never too late for a terrible, greedy, and/or power hungry person to be a good person and use their efforts for good.
Wow. That surgeon, and anyone in charge that has allowed him to stay, should go to prison.
This will also yield benefits in Dead Cells iirc.
Wow. I remembered his face when duckduckgo led me to a wikipedia article. Was fired for reporting use of excessive force, then went on to kill officers and their family members until they admitted their wrong doing of firing him. From wikipedia, “A manifesto posted by Dorner on social media declared "unconventional and asymmetric warfare" upon the LAPD, their families and their associates unless the department admitted publicly he was fired in retaliation for reporting excessive force.” I have conflicting feelings about this. It makes me happy he took a stand against those organized criminals but I’m sad the criminal’s, possibly innocent, family members got dragged into the bloodshed.
I think congressman Jeff Jackson of North Carolina has integrity. I will be a bit heartbroken but if anyone has info of him showing otherwise please let me know. He seems to be a champion of political literacy which is something I strongly support. There are probably a lot of people that run for office positions that do it for the good of their community and the American people.
I was very upset with her in the previous episode when she was demanding trust from Salvor with the obvious problem being she is not trusting Salvor or her hunch and about the boats history being erased.
I have this fear that the leader of the mentalics is in fact the mule in her whatevereth iteration.
I found this part funny but also a good point.
“This is like the CIA putting out a statement saying that going forward they’ll only waterboard people with dignity and respect,” Evan Greer, director of the digital rights advocacy group Fight for the Future, told The Intercept. “Mass surveillance is fundamentally incompatible with basic human rights and democracy.”
The NSA did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Also dignity already means respect.
Damn, recently I felt the onion had been losing its edge or something with some of the posts I’d seen lately being plain silly. I see now they most certainly have not. I was even fortunate enough to not notice the onion until a few sentences in and my building outrage turned to confused skepticism that this must be satire.
Part of my job is providing education resources, like helping adults who experience homelessness, drug addiction, or prison enroll for GED classes, some of them do need multiple attempts at the tests before passing but they have almost all been kind and good people. I live in Texas and republican propaganda runs deep here, I know relatively well educated people that believe lgbtq+ people are infiltrating school systems and indoctrinating children with the woke agenda.