Wait hold on, I'm just now learning how to operate my raspberry pi, what is pi-hole?
I installed Rvnc on it last week, is pi-hole similar?
Wait hold on, I'm just now learning how to operate my raspberry pi, what is pi-hole?
I installed Rvnc on it last week, is pi-hole similar?
Translate says " actually don't but the reason your bike is gone is because your mother gave it to me out of gratitude after I fucked her."
You really had me rooting for you until you turned to the dark side in the second paragraph lol.
Maybe instead of a muffler you could just install a muffler sound simulator on your phone or something and listen to the sounds quietly while you drive?
Oh no.. I'm not on here often but noticed this comment section felt like "home" for some reason..
While I do absolutely understand your point (and agree with you) that's not always going to happen. Some people can't afford to miss work for example, or would get fired for calling out/being late for the tire. I don't necessarily blame those particular people as the deeper problem is a society in which we we're living week to week to get buy and risk losing much if not all if even a portion of that weekly pay doesn't come in.
Also blame employers that pay diddly and are so quick to fire people. They place profit over human life and that's no better.
I wouldn't drive with issues like that, but then again 1: I know cars and work on my own stuff and 2: I can afford to miss a day of work every now and then.
So while I agree and don't support people driving cars with dangerous issues, I also understand that some people are so desperate that it's not really an option, also a mechanic isn't cheap and people don't much help others nowadays.
Ah, yes, in my rural area that would mean walking or biking 200+ miles per day just for work and even if I was capable of that it doesn't solve the problem of not being able to bring my tools so I can work which weigh hundreds if not a thousand pounds.
And there aren't buses around here, not that it would solve the problem of getting my tools around. I'm all for saving the environment and establishing smaller, walkable cities but it doesn't negate the need for automobiles - yet.
Is there a car community on Lemmy yet?
Ngl I'm not against churches in general because I've found a lot of peace there when life was rough, so even if I was an atheist I would still support non-hateful churches.
But megachurches with rich pastors that constantly brag about how God wants them to be wealthy? No. No. No. "It is an abomination" - Butt-Head voice.
I wish I didn't need hands for my job, 90% of it is brain work with a tinker here and there. I see so many videos of robotic hands being used for things and can't wait for the day I can just send one of these out to a site equipped with some tools and just remotely tap into the video stream. It's coming and I don't think it will be too long. Hell, I'm just a layman and if you gave me a dedicated year and some funding I could get something viable up to par so I'm sure it's possible, guess it just won't profit anyone enough to sell it yet.
Collect moon and starlight
I think you're onto something. U.S citizen here and I actually love driving stick but where I live it's a few hour drive to anywhere which makes driving a manual seem like more of a hassle, whereas those long trips in an automatic feel leisurely and I'm more well rested when I arrive.
Couple that with manuals more commonly found in larger trucks around here. I work on vehicles, see many and can't remember the last small car or truck that was manual. It's all semi's, dump trucks, dualies, you know? Big trucks which adds another barrier to people.
I feel like if there were smaller manuals in my area then perception would change. As it is they're reserved for work, big work at that.
It's sad to lose manuals in society but I'm seeing them less and less, everything seems to be going electric now, even companies known for diesel manuals.
Not from Germany but that's a good comeback