Cops be like, "a'ight makes it easier to kick you".
Any silver I get I'm feeding to the furnace and casting into bars.
Step Six, Mason! Wield a fist of iron!
Look, I've made some bad choices in life. I'm in my 30's, I live with my girlfriend and her mother, and my credit only just recently got above 600. But because of the rules the CPFB put in place, I'll be laughed out of ANY bank if I walk in and ask for a mortgage for just a bare plot of land with nothing on it. And maybe I'm being selfish, but the CPFB hasn't done dick to make home ownership more affordable, or to keep private equity from snatching up all available inventory.
And Kamala’s strategy for relieving pressure on the housing market was a $25,000 credit for first time home buyers?
This was also going to be coupled with a large tax credit to construction companies for building single-family homes and another tax credit for selling them to first-time homeowners.
Taken together, that all sounds pretty good. But I think what really needs to change is zoning laws. The problem is that the federal government has no control over the zoning ordinances of local communities. Hell, state governments barely have control over that. Usually whenever a rezoning of a neighborhood is brought up, it causes a firestorm at city council meetings.
Probably says "Fit for human consumption". Humans can actually eat mealworms.
That and the third place is being and has been turned into a place where you are expected to buy something(food+drink and merch)instead of just enjoying yourself and spend time with friends. There's nowhere for kids of any age to go that doesn't charge a fee to get in(some parks), doesn't have rules against talking(libraries), hasn't been made obsolete(malls, arcades), or is unreligious.
Well, yeah. "House" no longer means "Place where people live". It's now defined as "long-term investment/passive income generator".
I mean, he could, but wouldn't he need Congress to confirm his appointments? They'd just do what they did while Obama was in office and block any motion for a vote, especially since the Democratic party doesn't hold a filibuster-proof, 60-member Senate majority. Although, Obama had that and still blew it, the price of believing one can still engage in good faith negotiations with bad faith actors, I'm afraid.
They're already declaring their intentions to not negotiate with Harris in good faith, should she win the election, and to block all Presidential appointments. Hopefully she will go ahead and do it anyway. SCOTUS does get the final say in what does and does not constitute an "Official Act", but they don't have any enforcement mechanism. All they can do is send a strongly-worded letter, asking her to stop, but they can't force her to stop.
Not surprising. The Israeli government also bans services like 23AndMe or from operating in their borders unless a doctor seems it medically necessary. DNA is a store of information, just like a book.
I remember watching the DNC earlier this year. There were shirts and signs that read " DEMOCRACY IS NOT A SPECTATOR SPORT", and I don't quite know why, but it stuck with me, and I had to think about it. It sure does get treated like a sport. The GOP breaks the rules, commits fouls, and Democrats act like there's a referee in Congress who's going to throw a flag every time the GOP breaks a rule or makes an irregular play. And what I have come to realize is that we the public are supposed to be the referees. And regardless of team, we have to be the ones blowing whistles, throwing flags, and reviewing plays.
Since the election, I've decided to become a regular thorn in the sides of my elected officials, on both sides of the aisle. Through research I've settled on sending letters. Good old-fashioned letters on real paper, delivered via the postal service. Typed, usually. Handwritten, if I want it to be more personal. And I'll send multiple copies of the same letter to their offices in my State and to their offices at the Capitol, addressed to them directly. This last bit is important because since it's a federal offense to open correspondence and packages not addressed to you, and no staffer or intern wants to risk their job by opening letters addressed to their bosses, it's guaranteed that the officials themselves will read them. Sure, the staffers might be the ones sending the responses, but that doesn't mean my Senator or Representative never saw it. And since the same letter is at all their offices, this increases the chance of it being read. They're gonna think "Holy shit, this guy really wants me to listen to what he's got to say!"
You see, despite their efforts to get us to believe otherwise, our politicians are not beyond our reach. They do respond to public pressure, occasionally. I'm convinced that if more people did as I'm going to do, they'd listen more to us and less to their corporate friends and lobbyists.