
joined 2 years ago
[–] Artranjunk 2 points 2 years ago

You never heard anybody to talk about Monkey Island? Seriously?

[–] Artranjunk 4 points 2 years ago

This app starts to be really awesome! Keep up the good work!

[–] Artranjunk 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

That's kinda shame actually... I hope the platforming will be more challenging then. Give me more of those damn Miriam's trials!

[–] Artranjunk 1 points 2 years ago

Can't wait. I've just finished Blasphemous 1 and pre-ordered the sequel (I've never pre-ordered anything yet).

[–] Artranjunk 8 points 2 years ago

Yeah, but this is unrealistic.

[–] Artranjunk 2 points 2 years ago

Ok, I bought it ;-)

[–] Artranjunk 4 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (1 children)

Moonreader - ebook reader

Onkyo HF Player - High Fidelity Music Player

CDisplayX - Comic Book Reader

Listen Audiobook Player

[–] Artranjunk 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

I find the challenge fun actually and I like the game quite a lot. The problem is that some areas without a proper gear are relatively unfair (Lady of the Charred Visage for example). But when you find the right combination of rosary beads, prayers and mea culpa hearts it gets much more easier. And to discover the right strategy is part of the fun for me.

[–] Artranjunk 1 points 2 years ago

That sad to hear. Oh well, I have a long list of unplayed metroidvanias anyway.

[–] Artranjunk 2 points 2 years ago

That's longer than I expected, which is a good thing. I'll give it a chance in the future.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by Artranjunk to c/metroidvania

That was a really tough fight! Harder than Sierpes for sure. My hands are shaking... In the end it helped me a lot a combo of Romance to the crimson mist and Big toe made of limestone. Plus fire defences.

Now I'll continue with Miriam challenges. Then I will finally fight Crisanta.

Edit: I beat the game with true ending and 100%. It was fantastic. I adore the visual style, music, bosses and the catholic mythos. Some people criticize the platforming (lamp jumping), but I didn't find it weird or anything. I highly anticipate the sequel now.

[–] Artranjunk 1 points 2 years ago (3 children)

How long is it and what about the story and lore? Is the world interesting? I also hesitate because of the anime style.

Salt and Sanctuary (self.metroidvania)
submitted 2 years ago by Artranjunk to c/metroidvania

I've just finished it. What a tense game. Not really that hard as I expected, but the mood is superb. Dark, despondent, brutal.Enemies are very original. Highly recommended.


EDIT: I would like to ask people in the comment section to respect community info. This is not c/politics. Thank you.


What the title says. I'm basically curious if the posts will be locked like on Reddit or if it will be possible to add comments to old posts (a feature which I missed on Reddit).

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by Artranjunk to c/czech

U mě zatím vede Jerboa, ale bude se to dost vyvíjet, je to všechno v začátcích. Jsem zvědavý na ~~rif~~ Boost, který je ohlášen.

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