I like to imagine I see no comments because everyone is busy playing factorio.
As one of the few folks who have asked such questions, I obviously am against. I don't think the dedicated pol communities are particularly good for honest questions about platforms/political figures; everything in those spaces feels like it's being intentionally spun (even in discussions) in a way that this community does not. (Also, several of the communities you suggest as pol discussion places are... just not? Extremely few questions, most the posts are headlines, discussions don't seem to happen much. Some feel closer to a curated feed of cringe.)
I do agree it could become an issue, and that would justify some division, perhaps tags? But I don't think it is currently very unpleasant, and it will almost certainly get better in 2 months (at least short term).
I think the scary thing is if it takes the suppliers more than 3 days to figure that out. Companies oftentimes can last 3 days without food (and rarely fix things very quickly at any scale).
That one seems kinda scary - if inflation was 6% and something wasn't sold at any profit, all stores would stop selling it. (This is true for most food.)
Agreed, that would be.
But the most they could have done is 308% instead of that 300%, and I think they managed to get lots and lots of small stores to do it at the same time.
What do the laws on the book look like?
I'll note that grocers record profits are orders of magnitude less than the price increases. Maybe somebody is getting rich off of the price increases, but I'm pretty sure Walmart is not.
I'll note that grocers seem to have made very little profit per American in the last few years; Walmart made ~$70 off each of us last year, which seems incompatible with the price increases I've been seeing...
Also my impression. Seems like it's manufactured, encouragement not to engage with any of it?
I don't understand the opposition to mobile zoos of reptiles/snakes. Are people just voting 'ick' factor, or is there something horrifying I've missed?
Note they merge 'somewhat unacceptable' and 'unacceptable' into the bars, which is.... a choice.
Maybe I'd add "and that others could see/touch/smell/hear/taste" - clarifying around vivid imagination, synesthesia, and that reality should be shared. It's the things all reasonable folks can agree about (given sufficient time and access).