As many times as I've seen it, it's still really worthwhile to see it again. Unfortunately it seems like we're progressing down the wrong path a little more, year after year, as long as I can remember.
There's also kanuchi, a hickory nut soup. It's kind of an involved process, and hickory nuts aren't as easily available in stores as others, but it's a really unique soup.
Until we find that Nestle is just bottling the same tap water at twice the price. Oops!
I doubt it matters what we think anymore. It barely did before, but I can't see any light at the end of this American Experiment tunnel.
I play FFXIV. I'll break it down by expansions, but it's the one that didn't follow the general downwards trend so much.
1.0 - trash. They couldn't figure out how to work together. One guy spends forever making the best looking water wheel ever, in the background, that you never interact with. It's too graphically intensive, and flows the wrong way from the water. It doesn't match the building it's attached to. Meanwhile, they forget to add roads towards main cities. It's an unplayable mess. It's literally unplayable, as they killed it off to replace it with:
2.0, A Realm Reborn - they really fixed it under one guy's leadership. It's playable, and works. It's outdated somewhat today, but has a lot of moral grey areas and twists. There's a lot of running around and time wasting, which was common back then.
Heavenward - they made a great story. It's one of the best expansions. Streamlined and faster. No needless "talk to 5 villagers" quests like previously.
Stormblood - not as great. There's a lot of setup they use later. The world building is really great, though. Some of the best looking areas.
Shadowbringers - the best expansion they've ever made. Perfectly balanced world building and characters, and story. This is peak FF, with the best music as well. Probably because they can ditch much of the old A Realm Reborn story.
Endwalker - ties it all together. The story leads up to "death is inevitable for everything that has ever lived, so just die now" kind of depression hopelessness that you wonder how they'll get out of it. Well, because it's Japanese and FF, it's the power of friendship that saves the day. But, this really feels like the culmination of everything they've learned in the previous expansions.
Dawntrail - this is the downward slide. They force you into a role to support someone for ruler that is almost slapstick bad. Characters don't make logical choices. The theme is all over the place and can't decide what it wants to be. Many people say to stop at endwalker, but we'll see how the next expansion goes, which is years away.
There's plenty to say about the game otherwise, but the general thought is that they're gradually cutting corners, taking longer, and under delivering as they're stretched too thin. They're feeling the same pressure everyone else in the world is - not enough money. Which is crazy, because FFXIV is THE game keeping Square Enix alive.
Their best album, imo. Which is saying something because they have a lot of great albums.
I got to see this live back in like 2009 I think. When they toured with Dethklok, High on Fire, and Converge. What a cool show! The visualizations were of these images on the cover shooting towards you in space. They played the whole album, which sadly didn't leave room for Blood and Thunder at the end. But! They did play that during the Mega Monsters tour with Gojira! Unfortunately their visualizations broke during the show, but they were playing such heavy stuff that we're all thinking that they really are going to make a heavier album next, like they said.
It's not as iconic as From Mars to Sirius, or The Link, but it's a great cover. I have this poster hanging in my den!
It also depends on what access they have. Easiest would be to axe subsidies to oil companies, but no way they're be able to just do something like that. There's too much protection around that money.
Of course, if they're doing exactly as DOGE, they suck and I'm glad they're blocked because DOGE has made terrible decisions.
The woman in the video released the footage, to help her case against him.
we're seeing a leopard eat a face in real time, here
same, he needs a short, sharp, shock. Right to the head. I would also settle for a swift kick in his ass.
I have found that silicone wiper blades last years longer than the old rubber ones, to the point I'd replace the rubber ones 3-4 times more often for one silicone blade.
Just food for thought. Since you'll be replacing them again eventually.
Whatever glue they're using has a different expansion/contraction rate than the stainless steel, and the fairly smooth metal doesn't give much surface area to hold, anyway. So in cold or hot days, you're going to see separation.
And it doesn't help when they don't even glue the right pattern from the factory.
I learned to fix it. Before YouTube, that usually means not so great. But now, I usually do at least as good as a job as the people I'd hire.
Fixing stuff is easy, and you have to accept that there's no perfect fix.
Ants, set out ant bait traps. Look outside and see if there's a trail, follow it to the source, and spray it with ant poison.
Cracks, YouTube that. They may be nothing.
Leaks, if it's plumbing, you can buy pipes at home Depot and replace them.
Granted, it will take a while. Maybe all day. But you'll get an endorphin rush when it's done and eventually you'll come to know all the ins and outs of your house.
But it's you look at it and it's too big, Google a company to do it. Even if you're halfway, and find you're stuck. No shame in getting help. This shines you don't have a family member or friend who's already handy.
But really, if you can't fix it, can't afford to have it fixed, just do what you can to keep the house clean and work on it a little bit or put aside money till you can. That's hard, but that's owning a house. Like anything in life, it's difficult. But it doesn't have to stay that way, with enough time and practice.
You're already smarter than many, asking for other's opinions. Don't suffer in silence. I believe in you!