Album Art - Share your favourite music album cover

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#High quality images of music album art.

↱ Please use the following title formatting, when posting: · Author - Album Name (YYYY)

read guidelines ↡ before posting


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Films Frames - Every Frame is a Painting- [email protected]

Lost In Film - [email protected]

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Kenopsia - [email protected]


➤ Simple Guidelines

➧1. Include the original album name, author and year of release. If you do not know some of the required information, state that in either the title or top-level comment e.g. [Author/s - Album Name (Unknown Year)]. The reason we ask for this information is that you can only search on the content of post titles, not comments.

➧2. No low-effort/low-quality posts. Posts made to c/albumartporn are expected to be of high quality and have serious effort put behind them. The album cover should be clean, not have any urls/website watermarks in them.

➧3. Be Original

➧4. Be respectful. Harassment, abuse, name calling, and/or threats of any kind is not tolerated here. Any content, whether an image or a comment, that includes any kind of bigoted language or hate speech will be met with a permanent ban.

➧5. No off-topic Content Never post anything that is off-topic (i.e. not album art) or that contains gory material.

➧6. No spam or reposts. Do not submit more than one of the same post/comment on this community or across multiple communities. In addition, please wait at least 3 months before reposting an image that has already been posted to c/albumartporn, and do not repost from the top of all time.

➧7. No advertisement or self-promotion. Do not use this community to advertise or self-promote. This includes (but is not limited to) websites, articles, blog posts, and brands.

➧8. No memes, gifs, videos, audios. Just album covers

➧9. Tag NSFW Posts · Nudity: Obvious, implied or strategically covered · Content that is “sexually explicit”. Gore, both human and non-human is not allowed.

➠Feel free to report any content that does not respect these rules.

Community Image by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash.

founded 2 years ago
Updates + Feedback (self.albumartporn)
submitted 1 day ago by lookluc to c/albumartporn

Hello everyone!

I'm writing this to share some updates to hear some feedback from you.

Let's start with the updates:

  • Introduced flairs, and I'm happy to see that some of you are using it to keep things more organized. As stated in the 'Introducing Flairs' post, this will remain optional for now as not all Lemmy clients support it.

  • Changed the community image for the first time. The old one was a AI made image that I used when I created the community, I thought it was time to update it to a more gorgeous one. The current image is by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash. I hope you like it!

  • I made the 'Rule 9' more clear, stating that "Gore, both human and non-human is not allowed.".

  • 'Rule 1' had a typo with the mandatory posts title, it was fixed thanks to a feedback from a member.

Feedback! I want to know some feedback from you. What are you thinking of flairs? Do you use them? Do they improved the search in the community? What can be better about them?

Changes to 'Rule 7' Right now, 'Rule 7 - No advertisement or self-promotion.', states: "Do not use this community to advertise or self-promote. This includes (but is not limited to) websites, articles, blog posts, and brands." I'm seeing some users posting links to the artists 'Bandcamp' or other socials/websites and I'm fine with that. Do you think this rule should be changed to allow these kind of links and support the artists? Of course, in this case, 'Rule 6 - No spam or reposts.", would be updated to prevent a lost of posts with self-promotion/advertisement.

Other Feedback Do you have any other idea/feedback to improve the community? Let me know!

Thank you again everyone, I hope you keep enjoying the Album Art community!

Introducing Flairs! (self.albumartporn)
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by lookluc to c/albumartporn

Hello Lemmy!

I'm glad you're enjoying this community and sharing your favourite album covers! To keep things more organized, I'm trying to implement flairs to posts. This way, users can create and view flairs based on music genre/country.

This only works better with the 'Photon UI' and Tesseract Lemmy clients, so it will be optional for now, until more clients support it in the future.

I edited most of my posts here to include the music genres and I'm adding them to the sidebar. Feel free to create more and include them in your post titles.

How it works?

When submitting a Album Cover, use up to three genres: [Pop, Rock, Electronic] Album Title, Album Artist (YYYY)

If you want to specify the country, include them in the title: [Pop, Rock, Electronic, French Music] Album Title, Album Artist (YYYY)

List of Flairs:

This list will be updated as more flairs are created by users.

By Country:

submitted 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago) by small44 to c/albumartporn

12 Bit Spit By Jazz Spastiks is a well received underground hip hop album with a great mix of boom bap and jazzy beats. Inspired by A Tribe Called Quest and De La Soul, Jazz Spastiks beats display a mastery of melodic sampling, scratchy drum patterns and bass lines


Been on a bit of a folk punk kick lately and have had this on repeat. My favorite songs from the album are Muddy Knees, Misanthropic Drunken Loser, and Post Party Depression

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by [email protected] to c/albumartporn

Hard rock. The artwork here is real heavy-handed and doesn’t leave much to the imagination. Muse has never shied away from talking about fascism and governments overstepping their bounds (see The Resistance (2009) and The 2nd Law (2012)) but this artwork made sure no one would misunderstand them.


What has been described as “boss battle music for the enemies,” this heavy metal instrumental album features what is technically concept art for the video game but nonetheless matches for your eyes what the ensuing music is for your ears.


Psychadelic metal concept album


Heavy metal album portraying an image of unrelenting strength and self-confidence that defies the unprecedented times we currently find ourselves in. The sarcastic final track “Grind” outlines this perfectly, while the title track “Fortitude” quietly underscores the overall encouraging themes of the album before leading into “The Chant” written to raise awareness of the Tibetan genocide while also inspiring self-sustaining hope and fortitude in anyone who listens.


Hard rock album, entirely written and recorded by Wolfgang Van Halen. Cover artwork inspired heavily by the chaotic, manic single “Another Celebration For the End of the World”

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by Voyajer to c/albumartporn

Heavy/atmospheric metal album focusing on the intensity of human emotion and the ideals of veganism, with an unbelievable closer track “Lowlands” featuring a letter written by the frontman and the drummer to their mother who passed away while they were writing the album


Hard rock/metal album dealing with themes of fate and perseverance


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