
joined 2 years ago
[–] AnyOldName3 7 points 5 days ago

Plenty of plumbing is done with moulded plastic pipes and fittings, and I've 3D printed garden hose fittings (things like GHT to BSP adapters, which aren't easy to buy) with success, so it's not like moulding is the only way to make plastic good enough.

[–] AnyOldName3 2 points 6 days ago

It's not so much a loophole as they'd reasonably have expected mods that chopped up voice lines to make new sentences, and mods have been doing that for Bethesda games for years, sometimes with surprisingly effective results, but that's obviously super time-consuming and not as good as someone just reading aloud, let alone actually acting. Generative AI can suddenly chop up voice lines to make newer ones way faster with next to no effort, and give comparable quality to the original voice actor reading lines aloud, even though it can't do the acting part.

It's no skin off Bethesda's nose if people use generative AI to voice modded dialogue, but it could be a problem for the voice actors. Wes Johnson's done voice work for mods before, so mods aren't operating in a completely separate space to the voice actors who worked on the games. From a quick search, it doesn't seem like he charged for any of the work he did for mods (one was specifically for a charity fundraiser), but it wouldn't be immoral of him, or any other voice actor, to take paid commissions for mod dialogue. That's not as viable if generative AI can compete.

Anyway, none of this is really relevant to OpenMW specifically - sound files are game content, and we don't deal with game content

[–] AnyOldName3 5 points 6 days ago (1 children)

You have made a mistake and in doing so summoned an OpenMW developer to this thread. Lua is not an acronym, it's Portuguese for moon, so should not be written in ALL CAPS.

[–] AnyOldName3 5 points 6 days ago (2 children)

It's a fringe example where it's legally okay as the Construction Set EULA that you have to agree to to use the original engine's modding tools grants you the right to make derivative works of the game's assets (including the sound files) provided it's only to make mods for Morrowind (and some other restrictions, e.g. not charging any money). For nearly any other game, no one's granted you that right, so it's not legal, but any other kind of modding that requires you to make things based off the game's original files and distribute them wouldn't be legal either.

Morally, it's dicey as a modern voice actor contract would either have a clause about being unable to use the recordings to train voice synthesis, or charge more for the privilege, so the voice actors for Morrowind signed a right away that they didn't intend to because their agents failed to realise it was something they could do or predict that it would ever become relevant. No one tricked anyone, but it's not what would have been agreed to if everyone involved was clairvoyant.

[–] AnyOldName3 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

First, someone has to email [email protected] to tell Randal Munroe that there's a potential licence violation so he can file a suit.

[–] AnyOldName3 15 points 1 week ago (3 children)

xkcd comics are available under a CC-By-NC 2.5 licence, so you've successfully pirated by not including attribution (as long as people can't tell at a glance that it's xkcd from the art style or comment thread you posted it to), but to seal the deal, it'd be a crime to sell it.

[–] AnyOldName3 4 points 1 week ago

A Spud apologist! Sabotage by a scarecrow was beyond Bob's control, and the cause of most problems.

[–] AnyOldName3 12 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Most of the languages you've mentioned aren't systems languages, so don't make being a good language to write an OS in a high priority. More languages might be accepted in the future, but if they are, it'll be ones that are a natural fit for the problems they're solving.

[–] AnyOldName3 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Returns and refunds happened because the EU warned them that if they didn't, they'd create legislation so they'd have to, as they were already in a grey area under EU law. EA had a similar refund policy for games bought through Origin before Steam did.

Other than that, nearly everything you listed was done because it made business sense and would lead to more profit. Decoupling PC gaming from Windows by working on Linux means they're not at the mercy of Microsoft's whims, and was started at a time where it looked like Microsoft might make a version of Windows that could only install third-party software through the Windows Store. Discouraging kernel-level anti cheat discourages one of the last hurdles to Linux being able to play all Windows games. Supporting VR lets them still VR games through Steam.

Not being publicly traded lets them be concerned about their long-term profits above their short-term ones, so they won't do things that tarnish their reputation nearly as often as their competitors, and can do multi-year projects. They look good because their competitors are bad rather than because what they do is altruistic.

Edit: I just did some maths. The Steam Deck has sold somewhere around 5 million units and a Windows licence costs somewhere around $50 to an OEM with a volume licensing deal. Both these figures are approximate as I couldn't find precise numbers, but they're enough for a ballpark figure. This means that Valve have saved around $250 million by shipping the Deck with SteamOS instead of Windows. Even if my figures are way off, it's still a huge amount of money and goes a long way towards making all their work on Linux pay for itself.

[–] AnyOldName3 1 points 1 week ago

Arch is at least more likely to update to a fixed version sooner, and someone getting something with pacman is going to be used to the idea of it breaking because of using bleeding edge dependencies. The difference with the Flatpak is that most users believe that they're getting something straight from the developers, so they're not going to report problems to the right people if Fedora puts a different source of Flatpaks in the lists and overrides working packages with ones so broken as to be useless.

[–] AnyOldName3 23 points 1 week ago

People fall off rooftops fitting solar panels, burn to death repairing wind turbines that they can't climb down fast enough to escape, and dams burst and wash away towns. Renewable energy is much less killy than fossil fuels, but per megawatt hour, it's comparable to nuclear, despite a few large incidents killing quite a lot of people each. At the moment, over their history, hydro is four times deadlier than nuclear, wind's a little worse than nuclear, and solar's a little better. Fission power is actually really safe.

The article's talking about fusion power, though. Fission reactions are dangerous because if you've got enough fuel to get a reaction at all, you've got enough fuel to get a bigger reaction than you want, so you have to control it carefully to avoid making it too hot, which would cause the steam in the reactor to burst out and carry chunks of partially-used fuel with it, which are very deadly. That problem doesn't exist with fusion. It's so hard to make the reaction happen in the first place that any problem just makes the reaction stop immediately. If you somehow blew a hole in the side of the reactor, you'd just get some very hot hydrogen and very hot helium, which would be harmless in a few minutes once they'd cooled down. It's impossible for fusion power, once it's working, not to be the safest way to generate energy in history because it inherently avoids the big problems with what is already one of the safest ways.

[–] AnyOldName3 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

PowerShell has a system to sign scripts, and with its default configuration, will refuse to execute scripts, and with the more sensible configuration you should switch to if you actually use PowerShell, refuses to execute unsigned scripts from the Internet.

I suspect that most of the scripts you're referring to just set -ExecutionPolicy Bypass to disable signature checking and run any script, though.


I've just been switched from Freestyle Libre 2 to 3, and (at least in the UK) these need to be requested directly from Abbott instead of via regular NHS prescriptions that go to a pharmacist. To do this, you have to use their patient portal, so you need a password and need to go through their password reset process. The listed requirements are a minimum of eight characters, five lower-case letters, one upper-case letter, a number and a symbol, but there's either also a maximum number of characters (I typically use way more than eight) or a restriction on which symbols are permitted. If you don't meet the hidden extra requirements, you'll get a 404 during the password reset process (which isn't even the right error code for this kind of thing).

It took a lot of tries before my password manager came up with something the website was happy with, and no one seems to have written anything on the searchable parts of the internet about it, so I wasn't sure it was going to work and thought I might just have hit outages on both days I tried, so I'm writing this here in the hope that the next time someone sees the same error, this will show up in a search, and they know they need to change the password they're trying to set.

I'm not going to go into what eventually worked and which characters were allowed, as obviously that'd give away more information about the password I ended up with than I'm comfortable disclosing, so sorry for not specifying precisely what the real requirements are.


I've got a 3D printed project, and went over it with a couple of airbrushed coats of a 50/50 mix of Tamiya X-35 (their alcohol-based acrylic semi-gloss) and Mr Color Levelling Thinner. As far as I can tell, it looks good so far, but now the room next to the one I sprayed in smells of solvent a few hours later, despite extractor fans running. I knew the lacquer thinner was nasty, so bought a respirator, and haven't been in the room with the model without it (hence only knowing that the next room stinks), but would like to know when I won't need it anymore. The best I've been able to find with Google is the ten-minute touch-dry time, but I'm assuming the VOCs will take longer to be entirely gone.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by AnyOldName3 to c/mildlyinfuriating

Edit 1: I'm attaching the image again. If there's still no photo, blame Jerboa and not the alcohol I've consumed.

Edit 3: edit 2 is gone. However, an imgur link should now be here!

Edit 4: I promise the photo of some plugs does not contain erotic material (unless you have very specific and abnormal fetishes). I can't find the button to tell that to imgur, though. You can blame that on the alcohol.

Edit 5: s/done/some/g

Edit 6: I regret mentioning the dartboard, which was a safe distance below these sockets, and seems to be distracting people from the fact that one's the wrong way up. I've now replaced the imgur link with a direct upload now I'm back on my desktop the next day.


cross-posted from:

Scroll to Update Three for a description of what turned out to be the problem, and potential solutions on's end.

When I visit in either Firefox or Chrome, go to the log in page, enter my credentials, and press the Login button, it changes to a spinner and spins forever. No error is logged to the browser console when I press the button.

On the other hand, when using Jerboa on my phone, I can vote, comment and post just fine. That makes me think it's not an issue with this account.

I was briefly able to log in on my desktop a few days ago, but don't think I did anything differently when it worked.


I tried again with my username lowercased, and with the password copied and pasted instead of autofilled, and it worked despite not working a few seconds earlier when I tried it the usual way. I'm going to log out and see which of the two things it was that made the difference.

Update Two

Copying and pasting the password while leaving the username with mixed case also let me in, so it's somehow related to the password manager autofill.

Update Three

I figured it out. I generated a password longer than's password length limit. When creating the account, it appears to have truncated it to sixty characters. When using the password manager to autofill Jerboa, it's also truncated it to sixty characters. When copying and pasting the password from the password manager manually, it truncated it to sixty characters, too. However, the browser extension autofill managed to include the extra characters, too, so the data in the textbox wasn't correct.

In case an admin or Lemmy developer sees this, I'd recommend:

  • Not limiting the password length. It should be hashed and salted anyway, so it doesn't increase storage requirements if it's huge.
  • Giving feedback when creating an account with a too-long password that it's invalid for being too long instead of simply truncating it. Ideally, the password requirements would be displayed before you'd entered the password, too.
  • As mentioned by one of the commenters, giving feedback when an incorrect password is entered.
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