
joined 1 year ago
[–] Anonymouse 1 points 5 months ago

I don't know what your criteria is other than privacy. This guy's post looks interesting.

[–] Anonymouse 1 points 5 months ago

I have a similar story as your first point. It boils down to tucking away money with each financial gain. I put in enough to my 401k to get the full match, then with each raise, increase the amount invested by the raise. I'd already learned to spend within my limits and had no credit card debt, so each raise was "new money". Years later, after adjusting our financials to pay for daycare, when the daycare expenses dropped (infants are most expensive, costs drop down as they age), we started putting into a college savings and some for school expenses. We had saved up enough to pay for private school, which was less than daycare. Now that private school is done, college is paid for, we're paying down the mortgages. We locked in at 3% years ago. The house will be paid off when the kid graduates HS and we turn 55 and are eligible for the employer's retirement program, including health care. We plan to travel in those years where we're young enough to be healthy and old enough to have some money tucked away.

Oh, we also did the same for cars. When the car was paid off, we'd put the same money into a separate bank account and when it was tome to look for a new car, we had almost enough to pay for it outright.

Of course all of this can only happen when you have the skill to spend with your means.

[–] Anonymouse 2 points 5 months ago

I have the Debian netinst disk, but it doesn't include the dm-cache modules, so I downloaded the live DVD last night. I only get about an hour a day to work on stuff.

[–] Anonymouse 2 points 5 months ago

🤦‍♀️ I've never considered this, but it's the simplest solution and makes perfect sense. I'm always so diligent to keep my system clean to save a few megs.

This particular server is an old PowerEdge server I'm using to learn server stuff on and a practice home lab. Unfortunately, it won't boot from SD card, so I have a few DVD RW's in a drawer. I've read that there's a SD slot inside that you can emulate a floppy, but haven't explored it.

[–] Anonymouse 0 points 5 months ago (3 children)

I'm just speculating here, but I've seen where app developers pull in a framework for a feature and it comes with all sorts of hidden gems since the framework was developed by a large corporation. The small development team now needs to consider writing their own framework (an established anti-pattern), find another (that may have the same problems or be less mature, etc) or include the privacy invading code and plan to replace it in a future release (which never happens because users want new features and the privacy concerned users have left).

[–] Anonymouse 22 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Any device that requires an app to function is an immediate deal breaker for me. Same for most things that require "the cloud" to work. Garage door openers, doorbell or other cameras, cooking appliances, door locks, cars, even a basic pedometer to name a few. All of these things will only work temporarily until the company decides it's end of life for any reason.

[–] Anonymouse 3 points 5 months ago (1 children)

I would love to give this a try. Did you follow any guides? Which Pi?

[–] Anonymouse 4 points 5 months ago

This, and addition to company sponsored anti features, governments can ask or force companies to add back doors, unbeknownst to the consumers. For this reason (and others), I'll only ever trust open source software for security software, like VPN.

[–] Anonymouse 11 points 6 months ago

While your statement is true, I install Firefox on any computer I support (family & friends) because I understand it better, can talk them through stuff on the phone and so I can install an ad blocker and not.have to deal with all of that. So now I need to explain to family and friends that Google is to blame, but they don't care and ask me to install "the normal browser". Ugh.

Also, I now have to deal with the Google-heads at work using this as an example of how chrome is the superior browser. Double ugh.

[–] Anonymouse 6 points 6 months ago

There was a news station I saw while vacationing in the Smokies. They called it "news with a heart". They did all the same news stories, bit didn't dwell on the death toll or show video of the carnage. It was the first time I didn't become enraged by the news.

We have a drinking game for the NBC Nightly News. Drink any time they say "breaking news", "disaster", "epidemic" or show people crying. You won't make it through the news.

[–] Anonymouse 2 points 6 months ago

I have. I was kindergarten-aged and my friend was over and she didn't flush. That was also the day that I learned that girls poop...a lot!

[–] Anonymouse 2 points 6 months ago

I made one of these when I was a kid using a ton of rubber bands. One of the "arms" flew off and hit me in the face. It was definitely not as fun as the cartoons advertised.


Is there any decent iPod management software for linux available? I have a 6th generation iPod that I use only for music and it's really the last thing that I keep my windows partition around for. The more I use linux, the more unintuitive iTunes feels. I had tried GTKPod in the past and one other, but they didn't support the 6th gen iPods. I'd be happy with just a CLI copy type command!

IPv6 for home lab (self.selfhosted)
submitted 10 months ago by Anonymouse to c/selfhosted

Is anybody using only IPv6 in their home lab? I keep running into weird problems where some services use only IPv6 and are "invisible" to everyone (I'm looking at you, Java!) I end up disabling IPv6 to force everything to the same protocol, but I started wondering, "why not disable IPv4 instead?" I'd have half as many firewall rules, routes and configurations. What are the risks?


Many of the posts I read here are about Docker. Is anybody using Kubernetes to manage their self hosted stuff? For those who've tried it and went back to Docker, why?

I'm doing my 3rd rebuild of a K8s cluster after learning things that I've done wrong and wanted to start fresh, but when enhancing my Docker setup and deciding between K8s and Docker Swarm, I decided on K8s for the learning opportunities and how it could help me at work.

What's your story?

Jerboa over Tor? (

Apologies if this is the wrong forum, but I figured this group would have the most experience with this problem.

When using a /e/os phone and turning on the "hide my IP" feature, which enables For for everything, I noticed that Jerboa throws a full screen HTML dump. I can get to the server (for example) via a browser on the same phone, even log in and use it that way.

Has anybody else experienced this? Is it a bug in Jerboa? Is it some sort of IP blocklist on the api? Unfortunately, the full screen HTML dump is useless because I can't scroll and it's centered vertically, so all it really shows is the top few lines of some JavaScript function. I may report it as a Jerboa bug if nobody knows anything.

How do my contributions help? (self.openstreetmap)

I discovered StreetComplete recently and have been having fun "popping" quests around town, on vacation and around home. Now what? What happens with my contributions? How long before they're wrapped up into a map update? Do other people have to solve the same quest as a double check?

Hot RAID swapping? (self.selfhosted)
submitted 11 months ago by Anonymouse to c/selfhosted

I'd like to swap my spinning disks with SSD drives. I have the new disks and they're just larger than the old ones. My configuration is a RAID-5 with 3 disks (and one hot spare). Can I hot swap a single disk (HDD to SSD), wait for the new disk to rebuild, then repeat?

I'm thinking that I'd mark down the hot spare, replace it with an SSD, mark the SSD as hot spare, mark HDD 1 as "bad" causing the hot spare to activate, then repeat for the other 2 HDDs. I don't have a lot of experience with RAID, but did perform a single disk swap once with success.

If this is a bad idea, why? What's the best way to upgrade?

I'm not sure if this is the right community for this question. If not, please guide me to the right one.


Has anybody used one of these mini "dehumidifiers" to dry out filament as a substitute for buying a bunch of the desiccant beads? My filament seems OK, but I could do better to keep it dry.


Olive Garden used to post retired recipes online. I printed off a copy of their Cream of Tomato and Basil Soup and have been making it for years. Recently, I've started adapting some of my old recipes to be WFPB. This one still has white wine and I know it may be controversial, but I don't know how to substitute it yet. The link is above, my adaptations are below. Enjoy!

Cream of Tomato and Basil Soup

Prep time: 5 minutes; Cook time: 12 minutes; Serving size: 4


4 Tbsp ~~butter~~ extra virgin olive oil
1 ea small red onion, diced
2 cups dry white wine
3 cups canned diced tomatoes (or 1 12-oz can)
2 cups ~~heavy cream~~ soy milk
3 Tbsp fresh basil, chopped
Salt to taste
Black pepper to taste


  1. MELT ~~butter~~ extra virgin olive oil in a heavy sauce pan. Add red onions and sauté until tender, about 5 minutes. Add white wine and reduce by 3/4. Add tomatoes and ~~heavy cream~~ soy milk, bring to a simmer and reduce by 1/2.
  2. PUREE soup in a food processor. Stir in 2 Tbsp chopped basil, salt and pepper.
  3. GARNISH with remaining fresh basil and tomatoes and serve.


  • This recipe takes way longer to cook than they say.
  • It separates when you freeze it as-is, but you can freeze chopped fresh tomatoes in a vacuum bag and have the fresh summer taste in the middle of winter!
  • Do not let the soy milk boil or it will curdle.
  • An immersion blender works great to puree.
submitted 1 year ago by Anonymouse to c/wfpb

How many of you are Reddit transplants? Which WFPB subreddits were you a subscriber?

I'm a lurker from PlantBasedDiet. I enjoyed the recipes, pictures, stories and general chatter. It helped keep me on track on my own journey to plant eating. I'm not so interested in the moral or ethical discussions as I am about the health aspects, so I'm hoping I landed at the right place. I don't plan to go back.

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