Point taken. It was probably a bad example. I was trying to find an example of something that would be an unpopular topic rare hat would ultimately benefit the community.
I saw somebody suggest that the voting buttons should be used to indicate whether the comment benefits the discussion or not.
I suppose the same would be true of the original post; does the post benefit the community.
For example, posting a blog of why Mitsubishi is the best car maker to a photography forum is a downvote, true or not. Posting that veganism isn't a sustainable lifestyle to a vegan sub is an upvote, but you'd better be ready for some backlash.
I've been using it and evangelizing it for some time now. I don't have a data plan and it works. My data, location, preferences or anything is not sold to anyone.
It can be a little overwhelming at first. It can be difficult to use at times (the search isn't great), but in using it, I feel like I'm a part of something good and I can rest better knowing that.
Perhaps you can find inspiration from Daryl Davis, who convinced 200 Klansmen to give up their robes.
I saw a documentary once that said that elephants are starting to be born without tusks. Male & female. It's evolution in action. It's sad to me, but life finds a way.
There was a sea turtle at an aquarium that I visited with a 3d printed shell, so why not this?
I'd prefer to use the confiscated tusks to beat the poachers with. After that, they should give them back.
I researched this a little while ago. The new protocol is licensed by Google and has not been released to the public. Also, unless everyone in the middle supports the protocol, messages are routed through Google's network.
I settled on Signal for people who will switch and SMS for the rest. I do plug Signal when I can, like sending images between Apple & Android are degraded, but not on Signal.
I heard something on a radio show during Covid on how to talk to people who have "gone down the rabbit hole". It was discussing MAGA as a cult. The guest on the show was a woman who was raised in a cult in the 70's and she "got out" and spent her time talking with others in the cult to help them to break free. I can't find a reference to the show, but I think it was Carrie Miller hosting.
My takeaway was that you can't come at people and tell them that everything they know is wrong and you will show them the way. They'll fight you. You need to deprogram them similarly to how they were programmed into the cult. Small bits, here and there to slowly guide them to questioning their beliefs. Once that happens, show them how to research and seek out information and let them know that they will be safe.
If someone found a link to the podcast/radio show, I'd be super happy.
I think what we're dealing with, in part, is a collective action problem. There's a lot of people who want to do something but either don't know what to do or don't agree on what to do. It's one way that a minority population can stay in power.
What an individual can do is miniscule compared to a crowd. Also, some people are willing to break laws to make change and others are not.
I landed on Tandoor. I had a bunch of recipes on one of those web sites and they switched to a subscription model and locked me out of my recipes. I don't remember why I chose Tandoor over Mealie, but having full ownership over my recipes is freeing.
What's the deal with VPNs? I noticed many instances don't work over VPN but didn't know where to ask.
I've been trying to learn K8s and more recently the Gateway API. The struggles are that most Helm charts don't know Gateway (most are barely Ingressroute) and I'm trying to find a solution to one service affecting the other gateways.when a service cannot find a pod, the httproute fails and when one route fails, the ingress fails. It's a weird cascading problem.
Right now, I'm considering adding a secondary service to each gateway that resolves to a static error page. I haven't looked into it yet; it cane to me in the brief moment of clarity before I fell asleep last night.
Also, I may be doing everything wrong, but I am learning and learning is fun.