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[–] Alterforlett 18 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

So, they were housed and fed while working 18 hour days, thus not being able to leave the house. So that's their defence, that you have to take shelter into context. When they couldn't leave.... Fucking throw the book at them

[–] Alterforlett 24 points 3 weeks ago
[–] Alterforlett 27 points 1 month ago

"As the Ukraine situation has not changed, we are not inviting Russia or Belarus" either, Suzuki added.

Calling it what it is, an invasion.

[–] Alterforlett 1 points 1 month ago

Not to take anything away from Mbappe, but Real the way they are now are a ridiculously strong collective. I'm not certain they will be that much better with him on the team

[–] Alterforlett 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Italy will win it. Switzerland and Denmark will surprise and go far.

[–] Alterforlett 61 points 1 month ago

First of all, it's not a good look ending an anecdote about a terrorist attack with hahahaha's.

Second, Spain ain't funding Hamas or Isis (which you for some reason bring up.)

Third, we're not rooting for one side or the other to conquer the other. Most people believe arming people who murder civilians is a bad idea.

Fourth, Israel is clearly murdering civilians and engaging in a plethora of war crimes. It's not odd that Spain doesn't want to be complicit. That shouldn't be difficult to grasp no matter if you root for one side, the other or just hoping for a peaceful end to this conflict

[–] Alterforlett 14 points 1 month ago (2 children)

After the pathetic loser killed 97 people in Norway, the vast majority were children, he had this to say.

We all live in a murderous world, as the events in Norway have shown, with 97 [sic] dead. Though that is nothing compared to what happens in McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried shit every day.” So not only is he a racist cunt, he's a despicable piece of shit in other ways as well.

Fuck Morrissey. Hope he gets remembered for the person he is, not the music he made

[–] Alterforlett 1 points 2 months ago
[–] Alterforlett 23 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Not to take away from a lot of the other despicable shit done by Israel's defence forces, but you have to be a special kind of awful to murder a child. Doesn't matter if you believe you're entitled to the land or whatnot. There's really no way to justify killing children. Only hope the people who are responsible for actions like these gain some sort of awareness and have to live the rest of their lives with what they've done.

[–] Alterforlett 1 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Haven't watched Dutch football in a looong time, but 27-3-1 this season and 103-17 gd is impressive. Anyone know if that's because feynoord are good or the rest of eredivisie are shait?

[–] Alterforlett 3 points 2 months ago

Well that was a sad display. Was it just me or were we bickering within our team, feels like I don't see that often.

[–] Alterforlett 42 points 2 months ago

Guess they buy into the simplistic views shouted by the far right.

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