Yes. A rich persons assets are protected by law. Whilst your life is considered secondary at best. Laws are primarily written to protect assets of the rich. It’s always been that way. From the Roman senate to the US senate. They are/were all rich land owners. Land which they stole from the natives, and enslaved them. There is nothing strange about this. This is just how we do things as a species. So a better question would be. How do we break this destructive cycle that has plagued our (human) civilization since its inception?
$1200 huh? I’d pay some crackheads to shit on the judge’s lawn over the course of a few days. Bonus pay for leaving a floater in his jacuzzi.
The homeowner should make it more authentic by installing a shit tower, and by ripping out the plumbing/electrical. Which will also make room for the all the mites and their faithful fleas.
Edit: a word
MY Ferd Canyonero XLT lariat can't protect the fetuses if there are windmills ruining my view! You.. don't want the communists to win do you??? Why do you hate America and therefore all christians???
I wouldn't think for a second that Spez has any self awareness. He's like those fuckers that recently docked their party boat where it clearly wasn't supposed to be. It's a false sense of entitlement.
My credit union has quarters and dimes. No Pennies though. They’ll punch you in the fucking face.
Good, good…let the Reddit brain drain continue. Do not fear the Lemmy. The lemmy welcomes you. maniacal laugh
An SF Bay Area rich guy debating a Florida swamp chimp? I am going to smoke a nice sativa for this one… and make some popcorn… can’t forget that.
Edit: a word
Nothing. He’s full of shit. The thing doesn’t fucking work. He’s selling snake oil to secure more investment before fucking off and selling more false hope to the gullible.
The great reddit exodus continues to gather momentum. This place is a fantastic replacement for my Reddit addiction as I am sure it is for many others.
Desantis is leprosy I’m sure.
She has moderate to severe dementia. Either Alzheimer’s or lewybody . So she can live for awhile longer yet. So look for more weekend at Bernie’s moments in the near future. Popcorn? 🍿