
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 hours ago

I feel like I should clarify that I know what K-runner is and I've used it for years.

I just didn't know it could automatically do conversions without having to specifically "ask" it to do a conversion.

I just need to clarify that I'm not, in fact, a buffoon (in this one thing at least...the rest of my life...too soon to judge)...

[–] [email protected] 9 points 7 hours ago (2 children)

Serious question;

Am I over-thinking it to be skeeved out by the phrase "blacks" for Trump?

It's basically saying that their main defining characteristic as a group is their colour rather than anything about who they are culturally.

It would be like a politician here in Canada courting the indigenous vote by holding a rally called "Reds for Pollieve" or something.

I don't see that really being talked about or mentioned and wonder am I just over-thinking it? Or is it just that it's just one more fucked up thing that gets buried under a dozen other fucked up things...

[–] [email protected] 3 points 7 hours ago

Sadly, for many people, "factual" means "does it agree with what I already think?".

Those people are lost causes.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 23 hours ago (2 children)

I find that, at least with local Canadian Politics, they're pretty accurate at least. So I'm guessing it would be similar for the U.S, although the number of so-called "media" sources is far larger.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 23 hours ago (1 children)

I just start typing when there are no windows stealing focus from the desktop. Should be automatic.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 day ago (7 children)

Unless there's another one that looks very very similar, I'm guessing its:

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago

I think Married With Children has managed to come through unscathed because of Ed O'Neil and who he is as a person. He's so much the opposite of Al Bundy and has always been very open about that. The show as a result falls into that same category as South Park or All in the Family; We understand that the jokes are meant to be satire via absurdity; It's so over the top and the actor is so different in real life that we just get it.

Compare that to something like Home Improvement, where we know that the humour isn't meant to be absurdist, and we know that Tim Allen really is a douche.

[–] [email protected] 34 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I never saw those moments as Kif being homophobic. I read it as a subordinate being repulsed by the idea of seeing his commanding officer naked.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 days ago (1 children)

The way I explain it to people who say that to me is that it doesn't even have to be something illegal or sketchy.

Everyone...and I mean everyone has something about themselves that, were it common knowledge, would change the way your friends and family look at you. Maybe for the better. Maybe not. And if you, for whatever reason, don't want that they be known, then so be it. That's totally your decision, not the governments.

If you want to let your freak flag fly proudly, go ahead. You have my full love and support. If you want to fly your freak flag privately and not have it be common knowledge. You also have my full love and support.

It's not about "having something to hide". It's about the you that you choose to present to the world. And that is a fundamental right.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

I wish I could simply press a button to unlock the axis, rotate the axis 180 degrees without physically rotating the bone and be done with it.

There is.

I'm not sure what the hotkey is since I rarely use the feature. But in your tool widget (top right of your canvas) there's the option in there to effect only the origin, only the parent, etc... etc...

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago (1 children)

That allows the people to get their hate out, and resets the playing field for the next election cycle when people realize the Conservatives haven’t done shit all to make life more affordable.

Traditionally this hasn't been how Canadian politics has played out. We tend to have long running federal governments over single term governments except in cases of extremely disastrous political results (ie. forcing an early election by a vote of non-confidence, etc...)

Canadian voters seem to be very very patient. It won't matter how shitty PP and the Cons are as a government, voters will keep on electing them in for a decade or more before finally having enough. Same as we did with the Liberals, and same as we did with Harper before that.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

It's been changed to "Urectum" because scientists got tired of the infantile jokes.


I finally pulled the trigger on replacing my ChromeOS completely with Manjaro using the Mrchromebox script. Other than some glitching getting the audio to work correctly, everything runs great.

For the first two years I had this chromebook (Asus 433 flip) I thought that it wasn't worth the risk and that running the debian container via Crostini was plenty good enough.

Well it turns out that:

  • A. wasn't much of a risk at all. It was actually really smooth, including disconnecting the battery to disable the hardware write protect. I honestly don't know what I was worried about. and

  • B. I may have thought Crostini was good enough. But man oh's a night and day difference having Linux running natively on this old girl rather than through a container that had to boot up every time I use the first linux app of the day.

Anyway. Just wanted to share. Been using Manjaro on pretty much all of my computers for years, and now I can take the "pretty much" away and just say "all of them."


So....I updated my Manjaro to Plasma 6. Any chance that Minimal Menu (or something similar) exists?

I was not happy to find it gone. It's been a part of my system for so long that I honestly just forgot it wasn't default.

Now it doesn't even show up in the widget search and I'm honestly not sure I can live without it, largely because I can choose to centre it in the display on launch rather than having to choose either a) full-screen or b) right above the icon.

I can't even describe how upsetting it was to reboot after the update....


...but its robot designs were well ahead of the curve for the time.


Just popping in to post about a community to discuss FOSS creative software like GIMP, Inkscape, Scribus, Kdenlive, Blender, etc...

I've used them all at one time or another. Since moving to FOSS as much as possible ten years ago, I've learned a LOT about most of the programs, and consider myself a near expert in some (Kdenlive, GIMP) and fairly competent in others (Blender, Scribus).

I feel like having a place where anyone who uses FOSS creative software can both ask questions, share advice, and celebrate each others works, would be a nice addition to the Fediverse.

So feel free to join and post your work, your questions, your news or your tips and tricks.

I'm a one man band as far as modding and maintaining for now, so thanks in advance for your patience while I learn how it all works on the back end.


Anyone having a recent segmentation fault with GIMP 2.10.36 when closing a file without saving changes, the issue has been fixed and will be merged into the next point release. 2.10.38.

More info here: (scroll to bottom)


Putting this out into the community for anyone who needs it.

When I was first learning video editing, I had trouble finding good narrative content to practice with. There was plenty of stock footage, etc... but nothing scripted where you could craft a scene between two characters.

Cinestudy is the best for that. In fact I'm using footage from there for a book that I've been working on about narrative editing in Kdenlive.


One of the main things that I have been missing in Lemmy since moving over from the other site has been the myriad communities for the various bits of FOSS software I use on a regular basis.

Any any given day, I'll use Kdenlive, LibreOffice, Blender, Gimp and Scribus in the course of getting work done both personally and professionally, and I kept waiting for the day when I wouldn't have to go back to the other site to keep up to date with them.

While some (Blender) eventually got communities in the fediverse of their own, few are very active. So I felt that I should at least try to create my own in the hopes that it draws some activity.

So if you're joining because of a shared love of FOSS creative software, welcome. I'm hoping to post news and other articles from around the web, as well as being a place for questions and advice from user to user.

Maybe it'll be just as dead as all the others. But I hope not.


The tl;dr bot that pops up on every link to an article on Lemmy is depriving those websites of clicks, which deprives them of ad revenue.

The only thing that will accomplish is forcing those websites to do the very thing that we rail about; replacing their writers with crappy A.I because they can't afford to pay for actual content.

We rail against the enshitification of the internet, but when there's a legitimate way to fight back by giving these websites a page view/read/click etc... so that they can attract advertisers, we would rather have a bot summarize it for us, giving them nothing.


Like the title says. Just upgraded my Android phone, got it set up and working like a charm. Went to connect it to my chromebook in the chromebook settings and it won't let me get past the "sign in with your google account" screen.

Keeps saying "wrong password". But not only have I been already using that account/password not only on the new Android Phone, but on my Chromebook for the last year...but I also LITERALLY copied and pasted it from my bitwarden account after it failed to take the typed password three times.

I'm stumped. Help please. Thanks in advance.


I feel like I've come a long way, but still feel like I have a long way to go before I feel truly good.


Stumbling a bit on how to get some animations to work correctly, (gauges and gear doors where the local axis doesn't line up with the global axis). But making some good progress on getting the details modelled in.

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