Zoloft been in use since 1991, and "Is that your phone?" was a perfectly cromulent thing to say in the 90s, meaning "do I hear your land-line ringing?" not "is that your pocket computer on the table there?"
I was into it for a bit and managed it a few times. It is totally amazing. If I lived the kinda life that could involved naps again I'd be tempted to retrain, but it might have to wait for retirement...
Can I ask what issues? I'm using Firefox but open to changing if there's better options!
Yeah, the jedi were wrong, but the facts really point to "they were wrong to be so lenient". Sure, if they'd let him become a master he might have had a bit more loyalty. But anakin was already too enslaved to his emotions, and even if they made him a master and condoned his relationship with padme, something else would be the spark that sideous used to turn him.
Absolutely this. I can only speak for myself, and I know that some folks are so starved for representation that they are happy with anything and that's fine, but for me poor representation is just as bad as none at all.
I'm a guy married to a guy, and I do like to see queer characters and same sex romance options. But playing DA: Origin and crushing on Alastair, only to have the option of Zevran... It kinda feels like the games is telling me "gay men are campy and promiscuous, a sensitive and strong guy like Alistair is clearly heterosexual". It didn't make me feel included or represented, quite the opposite.
Obviously, times change, and sometimes these clumsy first steps are how we get to somewhere better. But as well as disappointing me, I understand why awkward 'woke' representation rubs people the wrong way. If I as a queer man find the gay character tokenistic, underdeveloped and kinda annoying then it doesn't surprise me that other folks would too. And being willing to say "this is good representation, but that is shallow box ticking" would help us all get to better place.
People in my area of the English speaking world have the horrible habit of saying things like "let's meet at the bar back of 8" or "I'll call you back of 6". I have never got a satisfactory answer if this is "just before ópm" or "just past 6pm", or even "near the end of 6, so almost 7pm" Every person seems to interpret it differently, it's wild. And profoundly unhelpful.
Nah, an English muffin is basically a bread product - you shape them and leave to rise, but a crumpet is more like a fancy pancake - it's a batter poured into a ring on a hot pan, and has baking powder as well yeast (which gives it the trademark holes). But maybe that's just in Britain? Maybe you chaps have different crumpets?
I'm British, and if you offered most British people "a muffin" they would assume you meant the American style sugar and oil affair. Some people do enjoy an "English muffin" but they're not very popular, much less loved than crumpets, which themselves are probably below scones. The main use I see of them is as the base of Eggs Benedict, which works because they are basic and go well with butter. A white chocolate & blueberry muffin is a much more controversial paring for poached eggs and hollandaise.
Talking about the ocean is odd, but there are towns in the UK (and most countries I'd assume?) where the natural level of fluoride is higher than the concentration they aim for when adding fluoride. I think that's a pretty good argument for it being safe - the people of Hartlepool have been drinking fluoride rich water for 13 centuries and don't have any noticeable issues compared to the rest OF County Durham.
If we're imaging a world where corporations and governments would agree to this level of accountability, wouldn't it be eaiser to just make certain financial transactions into public records?
Currently we consider some things public records (registering a company y, the voting roll) and other things private (income and taxes, bank transactions). If there was the will to chnage things we could just make the financial records of all elected government officials and corporations with government contracts automatically publically accessible. This doesn't need block chain, a law could be passed deeming these "in the public interest" such that banks would have no grounds to refuse a request from journalists or any citizens to access them.
This would be a lot simpler and cheaper than block chain. But its unlikely to happen for the same reason that block chain won't be used for this either.
As the other commentors have said, this isn't a problem with email services, it's a problem with email users. If you put all the addresses in the "To:" or "CC:" boxes, its because you want someone to Reply All. If you want to prevent that, put all the recipients in the BCC box.
Its a good idea, but fortunately someone already solved it a good while back. Now we just need a PSA to teach people to stop cramming everyone in the wrong box.
If this is a genuine question, and not a halfhearted attempt at trolling, you need to be more specific about what you're asking:
Are you looking for biological / evolutionary theories about why maaaaany animals show same sex sexual activity?
Are you looking for an anthropology/historical analysis of how human sexuality has been expressed in different ways and had very different norms and taboos than our current blend?
Or are you asking individuals to talk about their own experience and what lead them to identify as whatever?