joined 11 months ago
[–] AGD4 2 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I watched it when it aired 13 years ago on Limmy's show (y'know, This Guy and This Guy, lol.

OP's peom/story belongs to the same cinematic universe as Deedee in the kitchen, so I couldn't help but relate them.

[–] AGD4 5 points 5 days ago (5 children)

Does this include his own home and/or other properties as well? If it's just his business assets then what is there besides his name and show? Hopefully substantial funds in the bank, assuming they weren't shovelled off shore.

I can't imagine his stock of bullshit supplements are worth much anymore.

[–] AGD4 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I second lemmyng's suggestion of Poker Face. It is a faithful and very entertaining addition to the 'inverted detective' genre popularized by Columbo.

[–] AGD4 5 points 1 week ago

But it's okay as long as they repent next week or during confessional.

All Clean!

[–] AGD4 39 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Lmao. Somehow Paris with his bastardized mutant offspring qualifies him as a better dad than Worf.

[–] AGD4 10 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

Ahhhh man. I just looked this up and did not know about Chance Perdomo's death. At 27 years old. That is awful.

[–] AGD4 5 points 2 weeks ago

dragged the dead body of the show against the pavement for another 10 seasons

I guess they just didn't have the heart to quit.

[–] AGD4 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Good question. Having not played the PC port myself, I only know that it was addressed by the studio (and/or publisher?), and that people stopped talking about it after a couple months. I personally concluded that the game must've been fixed to some degree.

[–] AGD4 7 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Interesting! Though on closer inspection that sign appears to be interstate 494, which is based out of Minnesota. Wikipedia says their hands-free traffic law took effect on August 1st 2019. That time of year, quality of photo, and car models seem to line up with that image.

[–] AGD4 5 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)

YES. PLEASE use that time to optimize.

Hopefully Last of Us Part II shares enough of a code base with the PC version of the Part I remaster.

[–] AGD4 5 points 3 weeks ago (10 children)

That's what I was wondering, and hoping. Otherwise what state (or province?) isn't already enforcing distracted driving rules?

Affordable Bike Repair (self.waterloo)
submitted 10 months ago by AGD4 to c/[email protected]

Hi /c/Waterloo! Can and may anyone recommend a reasonably priced bike repair service? Even a home shop if you know of one. I'm looking to get a tune up along with a chain replacement, disc brake pad replacement and maybe even brake line bleeding.

I've gone to McPhail's Cycle & Sports in the past, and have been very happy with their work, but this year my budget is extra tight so I'm looking for any other options.

Thanks very much in advance!


Casual interview with Wrel where he discusses his departure from Rogue Planet Games and his seven year history there, among many topics related to Planetside and beyond.

He discusses his community interactions, job burn out, dev challenges as well as his focus on his new personal game development project.

A solid listen with some nice gems sprinkled in!

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