She already got the ducky one3 gossamer pink.
The peripherals I can handle but some of the compatibility stuff is over my head but I do my best. The RAM is pretty cheap so I figures why not blast it
They were doing their job asbestos they can
I don't understand anything as I do not speak German, but I do appreciate this format specifically in a German context.
At the grocery store, confused, and...just pooped my pants
Probably the same group that flipped a shit when they started doing yoga in schools because they were "trying to indoctrinate kids into hinduism/buddhism"
"Do you know why I pulled you over?"
"Idk because you're butthurt?"
I know this is an old pic but this is essentially putting a bucket on someone's head. The instrument can't be played because the mouthpiece is on the other side. I recommend using a sousaphone next time. The bell is bigger too.
Yes I am that loser that played tuba.
If its a public post, why can't I use it to train my AI to make deep fake porn out of it? /s
He also has some supplement brand that him and his kid sell that he claims cured his wife after she was poisoned by an MRI or something like that. Don't quote me on it. That's just what I remember from his trash youtube ads.
I want some pain so bad right now
DDR4 it is!