I enjoyed The Creator for its visuals but the bad script makes it impossible to recommend it. Might do well as a brainless Star Wars surrogate in streaming, and it might turn into a cult classic down the line, but I'm not surprised it's bombing.
And you're vastly underestimating Reddit's user base's willingness to simp for porn stars and billionaires.
I've been hearing a variant of this since I joined Slashdot in 1999. "Microsoft really messed up this time, mainstream Linux adoption is right around the corner!"
Article is pretty thin and alarmist. They quote someone from a pest control company saying they deal with bedbugs every day, but that doesn't give any sense of the scale of the problem, only that this particular business is fully booked.
I think travelers still have a legit reason to be concerned about picking up bedbugs abroad since they probably don't have them at home. It's not like people sleep and bring clothes to other people's homes all the time, so the risk of picking them up is certainly enhanced when traveling. Don't think people need to lose their minds about traveling to Paris, but it's something to be aware of and informed about.
What do you know, every sci-fi movie ever on the topic was right.
B-but Elon told me advertisers were returning!
I've played it in January 2022 on PC (so about a year after release), going through a second playthrough on Steam Deck now.
Compared to two years ago, the game is not that different IMO. I enjoyed it immensely the first time, and I'm loving it enough now to just play it again. A lot of very noticeable changes with 2.0, with the entire perks system rebuilt and such. Not a major game changer IMHO but it's all good stuff.
As for Steam Deck, it's 100% compatible and looks great. I've noticed very few frame rate issues.
I wish people could let go of their resentment towards the game's launch woes, because this game is a genuine banger with an amazing setting, great gameplay, and a kickass story.
Made it possible to properly switch to Arm cyberware by cycling through weapons.
Oh, haha, I was wondering if I was crazy. The only way I could see to equip the Mantis Blades was to hold Y and select it there. Didn't feel very intuitive.
Money. The answer is money.
People eat bread and pick it up from their local bakery then walk home with it instead of stuffing it in the trunk of their SUV to drive two blocks. What do you expect.
I think generalizing the good of human beings to all sentient beings is a great example of how a rigorous ethical discourse can expand traditional morality. The idea of giving rights to great apes is a wonderful example and I hope we can get there soon.
And likewise, a lot of traditionally "wrong" behaviors can be argued to be morally neutral if they don't really diminish the well-being of human beings. Sex work is another example.
Hang on. You can get blocked by AI for asking what it deems are inappropriate questions?