joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 22 points 5 months ago

They were possibly confusing nitrogen with carbon dioxide. CO2 will definitely lead to distress in high concentrations, and has been used in some slaughterhouses.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

What's the charging efficiency?

[–] [email protected] 7 points 5 months ago

Most electric cars only have 1 gear and it's always engaged. If you put the car in reverse, it uses the same gear, but the motor spins the other way.

Even in neutral the motor still spins when the wheels are turned, it just doesn't output any power to the wheels.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 5 months ago

She looks very polite.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (1 children)

There is a difference between climate concern, where you desperately want to do anything to fix the climate problems, and climate anxiety, where you are so overwhelmed by the climate issues that it interferes with your ability to take any action.

I suspect this study is focusing only on the latter.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 5 months ago (11 children)

Most Russian people have committed no crime, and many do not support what their leader has done. We should not condem people for the country they were born in.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

I have used Kagi for several weeks and can't go back. I can finally find things on the internet again and I don't want to lose that again.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 months ago (1 children)

If you don't mind paying to use a search engine, Kagi is actually pretty good. Not as good as Google was 20 years ago, but significantly better than any other search engine I can find today.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

Interesting extension. I think I'll give it a try.

It is entirely open source, and the website does a very good job explaining what it does and why.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

It depends on a lot of factors including the battery chemistry.

NMC (Lithium ion) batteries are common in high performance cars and older EVs. They should be kept between 20% and 80% charge for normal use. 60% is ideal for storage, but anywhere in that range will do.

LFP (Lithium ion) batteries are common in cheaper and newer EVs. They don't have a problem with being stored at 100%, and do have issues with not being regularly charged to 100% (monitoring gets less accurate over time until fully charged again), so leaving it at 100% is fine.

Lead acid (particularly calcium) batteries get damaged when discharged too much, so it's fairly important to keep them topped up. If you are leaving the car for a long time, it could be worthwhile to connect a trickle charger to the 12V battery to prevent the car's computer from gradually draining the battery. Some cars will top up the 12V battery from the high voltage battery if left for a while, so this may not be needed.

While I have little experience with low temperatures, I suspect that the car will be fine if left as stated above. The battery shouldn't get damaged by low temperature storage, and shouldn't lose much charge over time. Just don't expect full performance immediately after returning to it.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago

Be aware that an underpowered or stuck stepper motor can "skip", causing the position data to be incorrect.

A servo motor has active feedback, so doesn't have this issue. Servos do have their own drawbacks too, so they are not always a suitable replacement.

[–] [email protected] 29 points 5 months ago (6 children)

It's likely been hacked by someone who guessed the default login details (when was the last time you changed the password on your washing machine), and is being used for malicious purposes such as DDoS attacks.


I use it to heat my house.

You might be bored (aussie.zone)
submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/dadjokes

But at least you're not one of the people getting on a ship.


It only lasts for 12 months out of the year.

I was trying to ask my partner for a pbj sandwich. I accidentally asked for a beef sandwich, then tried to describe the sandwich as boneless and without the meat.

I eventually reached apricot marmalade, which was close enough for my partner to understand the request.

Headache log (aussie.zone)
submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/migraine

I've been logging my headaches since I started taking Eletriptan in 2020.

I've had an average of 10 days per month with headaches, and 4 days per month with migraines.

So far I've identified stress and insufficient sleep as contributing factors.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've been waiting for 2 years, and I finally got a Wallbox Quasar. I believe I'm the second person in Australia to get one (ignoring government trials and business installs).

My thoughts so far:

The ability to set how fast the car charges/discharges is nice.
The app lets you set a maximum and minimum battery level. I've currently got it set up 20% - 85%. I'll probably adjust this as I learn more.
You can set schedules for charging and discharging. There is no option to set the rate in the schedule. Instead it uses the rate currently set in the app. This is fine if you just want to schedule the times, but frustrating if you want multiple schedules with different charge rates.
There isn't a way to automate the charger with wholesale prices in Australia yet. Amber (a wholesale energy provider) is currently working on this.

This is an early model of V2G charger without all the features you might expect.
The Quasar is not able to operate during a blackout. This is mostly because it doesn't have the ability to disconnect from the grid (powering the entire grid during a blackout is not a good idea). The Quasar 2 (not yet released) will have this feature.
The minimum charge/discharge rate is 6A (1.4kW). No-one has been able to tell me why this limitation exists. If the house is using less than 6A, the Quasar will be exporting the excess to the grid. It means that the Quasar is not suitable for powering the home unless a house battery can soak up the excess. I'm hoping that future V2G chargers will not have a minimum rate.

South Australia has a lot of renewable energy and not a lot of storage. This has caused variable wholesale energy prices ranging from -15c/kWh to 90c/kWh, with rare spikes to $20/kWh.
Having access to the 50kWh (usable) car battery provides a lot of opportunities to make money from the grid, while also assisting with grid stability. Most days only have a saving of $2, but the occasional day with price spikes can make over $40.
I'm hoping to have a net negative energy bill over the next year.


As far as I'm aware, these 2 communities should be kept identical by federation. The first link shows 4 posts, but the second link shows 0 posts.
What could be done to fix this?

https://aussie.zone/c/[email protected]

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