
joined 3 years ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Don't chew it off because the rice will go everywhere. But if you've got a plate then your fine.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Good games for the above, comp: league, vslorant, cs2. Casual: TF2, rust, roblox, Minecraft, any mmo, cod, halo, ect.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Just talk strats if playing a comp game, or get mad and flame in chat, or challenge a good player on the other team to a 1v1, or ask the whole lobby if anyone wants to queue for comp, or do the above but in vc.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 days ago (1 children)

People who say that this is grammatically correct need to resit GCSE English

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago

Those peas would not survive the night with me smh

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

Was with to a guy that broke off the lid while talking about how its attached to help with recycling the plastic.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Good question btw

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (1 children)

In vsauses video "The Future of Reason" he talks about how logic is a best seen in a group context, (a group consensus). So if a group of people agree on something, that is how it is. You can also put in some "if its not important to change the consensus for the group, don't change it" as to why belief in groups doesn't change very fast. Also the social and economic aspect, groups have people, people need people, you can also more easily find skilled people in a group.
(both religious and secular groups). Examples of belief, god cannot be observed directly, but religious people still believe : scientists can't find dark matter, but they still believe that it exists. The most important reason is that groups in general serve the people that are in them. Religions keep together well because the majority of people believe in the group consensus (e.g. god), and get to contribute and gain the benefits of the group. Universities are a good example aswell, as they provide employment, teach skills, and foster community and independence.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Maybe running them over isn't so bad if it means keeping the country together

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago

The image isn't working now

[–] [email protected] 5 points 5 days ago

Vegans when you don't listen to them


Preferably a mechanical or quartz pocket watch with a nature engraving or something similar.


The one on f-droid by Alexander Harding, how does it square up against other mobile apps?


Seems like a extremely useful tool, just needs to not be Google, any alt recommendations welcome!


Am I posting this because Jerboa won't let me post pictures from my camera roll, yes I am, still a better app than Reddits Official app.


What does it mean? I've logged out and in, uninstalled and reinstalled, tried using the website on my PC. Funny how it works for a screenshot but not a picture from my camera roll.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've seen these ants roaming around my garden for a while now and speculated that they lived under my garden between the stones, however in this picture you can see eggs under the leaves and ants. I'm 100% sure these aren't Weaver Ants and I think these are regular European Black Ants but these only live underground? Do Black Ants live in trees?


Only heard of it recently is it another federated platform like Lemmy or pixelfed?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Doing my last assignment on malaria and starting the Highway Code. Got stuck inside due to rain and with it being the end of the academic year for me it was really quiet so easy to revise in, but I would prefer coffee shop level of noise over none at all. Basicly had no classes today, so it seems kind of eeary knowing that its practically over and facing the future, I just wished I brought my coat.


Normally I would only browse here once a month because of a lack of content. Big W, the main problem is that most people will join the main instance because it's the most popular. A LNG term advertising plan for the smaller instances would be a good idea to capture this extra viewer base. (I.e admin posting links to next best instance, creators on other instances posting content on main instance with a promotion at the end.) Random pic I took this summer.


I go to Costa pretty regularly so I have some good insights into the experience of going to Costa.
The first thing (and the most important thing) is the coffee, overall at all locations I’ve been to the coffee is good, if you want a cortado you get a cortado, if you want a latte you get a latte, when compared with other coffee houses who are inconsistent in the strength and quality of their coffee, costa is the same at any franchise. (franchises could be a post in itself)

Compared to the competition
Costa and Starbucks (in the UK) are on equal footing IMO, so it’s purely personal preference for where you want to get you coffee from, but for me Costa is the definite winner.
The different franchises all have unique buildings (or new builds, like the one near me) and clean, well presented interiors, compared with Starbucks which often has sparse decorations in their franchisees, and tend to be in pre-made buildings that aren’t that inviting.
And comparing either to Cafe Nero just isn’t fair to Nero because the last time I went there was over 6 years ago lmao.

Favorite Drink?
I recently tried a Vanilla Latte when they got my order wrong, but it was actually pretty good so that’s in the S+ tier of coffee, the next best is the hot chocolate, plain but gets the job done and my second go to if I’m tired and don’t want to try anything new. And the best drink is probably the chocolate fudge brownie frappe, or just frappes in general because their a meal in themselves so you don’t pay for overpriced M&S food they sell.

The Food
To be fair on M&S food they do put discounts on them when no one buys them, but the same cannot be said for the cakes. The cakes make up the other side of why Costa is my preferred food there.

While it is expensive to go regularly you get quite a bit for the price, for example: as a student you can buy a single drink for £3.50ish and them stay for as long as you want (I usually stay until closing time), you also get access to clean toilets, free internet, and a table to yourself.

Yes I wrote this a while ago and forgot my train of thought but here we are I hope you enjoyed. I wrote the SSD post and finished this while in a class i don't even take. (Picture from Costa in Skipton WY)


After a whole 10 years of service since the first construction of the PC I've retired my hard drive.
At first i lost my Linux install, then i was losing my windows install, so i took my chance to upgrade from an hard drive to an SSD.
From the WD Blue to the WD Green. It took me a long time because i didn't know which connector i needed for an SSD when compared to a hard drive, turns out it's all the same data cable SATA, specifically SATA 3gb. However i was gonna keep on using my hard drive but i only have 1 power cable for a SATA port which is a RIP.

I installed Linux Mint as the host OS on the SSD and i took the Windows 8.1 product key and upgraded it using a Windows 10 install ISO, so I'm now using Mint as the host OS and Windows in a VM. (Although i'm going through the process of making it into a gaming VM (similar to Muta's gaming VM) to play Rust with my low end hardware lmao)

I also got a key keyboard i'll make a post soon. And i found a bouncy ball on the ground as well i'll make a post soon lmao.


Do you think that this could be one the major alliances over the next 100-300 years that can properly rival the western world? (BRICS: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa)

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