
joined 3 years ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 hours ago

Teens >14 you see them all the time, shops aren't supposed to sell to kids so they get their friends to buy it for them

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

Put some planters and a shed on it and grow stuff, and make a small house to escape from the world in, also mow the grass so the city isn't breathing down your neck

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

The Stranger is good as an audio book, easy immersive listen

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Personally I would keep it proprietary unit I've made all the money I can they change it to an open license like Creative Commons Share-A-like

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago

Not exactly what op is talking about but: fish and chip shops that don't sell spam butties, like they have chip butties, but not spam butties. Smh

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Heat or carbon monoxide. Check what type of detector you have, it could save your life

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago (1 children)

How enlightening, the leaders of an empire at its height all act the same?!?!?!?! Who would've guessed

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Get a time machine that can take me infinitely toward and backward in time, then use an infinitely long piece of string to attached to one lever in each cluster, then pull all the levers at once to redirect the train.


Wanted to make an account on a JP/en server but I don't think misskey will allow sign up with a protonmail email, can anyone help me with the sign up.

What's your opinion on misskey and how does it differ from Lemmy as a fediverse social media project?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Two years ago my PineTime Smart Watch bricked and bootlooped with no hope in sight for recovery. And a few mere minutes ago I revived it from its long slumber we call death. But it was in fact! Just hibernating waiting for its time to live once again!

A post on the PineTime reddit from two weeks ago, in which a user encountered the same problem as me asked how to fix it... Unpair Bluetooth and reflash firmware.

So simple yet so hard, nearly eight months of hibernation, and all I had to do was reflash the firmware.

So is life.


Blank section for something that makes you happy.


Today's haul is: Belgium Chocolate with Liquor, the Liquors are three of: amaretto, rhum, paire Williams, whisky, congnae, and Cointreau. The Paire Williams tastes like bleachy whisky. Caramel wafers as usual, Marshmallow snowballs as usual, decaf tea, sultana cookies, toffees, tea and date and walnut cake.


Just finished making this at 1:00am, took me 2 hours to finish and I'm really proud it looks amazing. It came with unique pieces; the small flowers, and the big flowers have frogs in the middle of them lmao. The brown Lego at the bottom is dead dried wood and the leaves fill out the orchid really nicely. Only 33£ on sale. Overall 10/10 just need to get the Succulent and The Bird of Paradise to finish the full set.

Goodnight all!


This weeks Ringtons haul is Crumbly Mints, White Chocolate and Lemon Cookies, Toffees in the TeaMobile, Milk Chocolate Turkish Delight, and Caramel Wafers.


Could it crash if enough accounts post links that need converting? Either if enough people started spamming links or someone got a bot to make posts.


The Ringtons man came today and this is the haul I got, a candle, chocolate tiffin, chocolate mints, and wine gums. I thought the tiffin was gonna be like nougat but it wasn't at all, it was alot closer to a firm chocolate brownie. The candle smells nice but I couldn't tell you what flavor it is.

Going to post make a post about my Homebrewed Switch soon so stay around for it. Also going to do more Rington hauls trying out their different stuff and giving it a rating. Just some good content in general.


So I'm scrolling through All New and on these memes I'm seeing comments saying stuff like "I see xyz company advertising on Lemmy" even though there's little to no brand indication on the post. (Other that some kind of German meat + beans, but even then no brand came to mind for me)
If this AI company driven advertising is real on Lemmy what are the admins doing to prevent this from happening?

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I got this Pocket Watch from a older relative of mine whom passed away and gave it to me a few years ago, and I’ve not really used it until yesterday and I’ve been looking into pocket watches in general and looking into getting a cheaper watch for my edc. (I know I’ve got my phone to check time but it’s cool and adds to your look) And I think it would work really well with jeans as they still have the dedicated pocket to hold watches.

It’s a Sekonda mechanical pocket watch with the front decal being a bird perched on a branch with the open sky and forest canopy in the background, and the back decal being flat with pine cones and pine leafs with a border of smooth silver.

You have to wind it up and manually set it when the ticking stops. You can also hear the ticking like in a grandfather clock and it has a smooth motion of the minute and hour hands with tiny little ticking with the second hand.

I think it was manufactured during the time of the USSR (pre-1990) in the USSR by Sekonda a British watch company, but I don’t have the history of it other than my relative who got it as a gift from another of my relatives.

Sorry for not posting the last few months jerboa doesn't like it when I try to upload any pictures so I'll be posting from Voyager but scrolling on jerboa because its just better suited for this role and yes I did borrow a better camera to take that picture.

Edit: also a good figet toy

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