10_0s Basement

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I live in a prison called My Parents Basement and smuggled in this phone, this place will contain all of my hobbies/interests online and in real life. My name is Bob, Scott, Josh, or Joe whatever you want to call me. I am the stereotypical N.E.E.T, and the person who guesses my name on the first try will get some Bitcoin. (Find this on Minds @10coatsofarms) Rules

  1. Dont get political
  2. Follow Lemmy .ml TOS

founded 3 years ago
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Two years ago my PineTime Smart Watch bricked and bootlooped with no hope in sight for recovery. And a few mere minutes ago I revived it from its long slumber we call death. But it was in fact! Just hibernating waiting for its time to live once again!

A post on the PineTime reddit from two weeks ago, in which a user encountered the same problem as me asked how to fix it... Unpair Bluetooth and reflash firmware.

So simple yet so hard, nearly eight months of hibernation, and all I had to do was reflash the firmware.

So is life.


Blank section for something that makes you happy.


Today's haul is: Belgium Chocolate with Liquor, the Liquors are three of: amaretto, rhum, paire Williams, whisky, congnae, and Cointreau. The Paire Williams tastes like bleachy whisky. Caramel wafers as usual, Marshmallow snowballs as usual, decaf tea, sultana cookies, toffees, tea and date and walnut cake.


Just finished making this at 1:00am, took me 2 hours to finish and I'm really proud it looks amazing. It came with unique pieces; the small flowers, and the big flowers have frogs in the middle of them lmao. The brown Lego at the bottom is dead dried wood and the leaves fill out the orchid really nicely. Only 33£ on sale. Overall 10/10 just need to get the Succulent and The Bird of Paradise to finish the full set.

Goodnight all!


This weeks Ringtons haul is Crumbly Mints, White Chocolate and Lemon Cookies, Toffees in the TeaMobile, Milk Chocolate Turkish Delight, and Caramel Wafers.


The Ringtons man came today and this is the haul I got, a candle, chocolate tiffin, chocolate mints, and wine gums. I thought the tiffin was gonna be like nougat but it wasn't at all, it was alot closer to a firm chocolate brownie. The candle smells nice but I couldn't tell you what flavor it is.

Going to post make a post about my Homebrewed Switch soon so stay around for it. Also going to do more Rington hauls trying out their different stuff and giving it a rating. Just some good content in general.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I got this Pocket Watch from a older relative of mine whom passed away and gave it to me a few years ago, and I’ve not really used it until yesterday and I’ve been looking into pocket watches in general and looking into getting a cheaper watch for my edc. (I know I’ve got my phone to check time but it’s cool and adds to your look) And I think it would work really well with jeans as they still have the dedicated pocket to hold watches.

It’s a Sekonda mechanical pocket watch with the front decal being a bird perched on a branch with the open sky and forest canopy in the background, and the back decal being flat with pine cones and pine leafs with a border of smooth silver.

You have to wind it up and manually set it when the ticking stops. You can also hear the ticking like in a grandfather clock and it has a smooth motion of the minute and hour hands with tiny little ticking with the second hand.

I think it was manufactured during the time of the USSR (pre-1990) in the USSR by Sekonda a British watch company, but I don’t have the history of it other than my relative who got it as a gift from another of my relatives.

Sorry for not posting the last few months jerboa doesn't like it when I try to upload any pictures so I'll be posting from Voyager but scrolling on jerboa because its just better suited for this role and yes I did borrow a better camera to take that picture.

Edit: also a good figet toy


Am I posting this because Jerboa won't let me post pictures from my camera roll, yes I am, still a better app than Reddits Official app.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've seen these ants roaming around my garden for a while now and speculated that they lived under my garden between the stones, however in this picture you can see eggs under the leaves and ants. I'm 100% sure these aren't Weaver Ants and I think these are regular European Black Ants but these only live underground? Do Black Ants live in trees?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Doing my last assignment on malaria and starting the Highway Code. Got stuck inside due to rain and with it being the end of the academic year for me it was really quiet so easy to revise in, but I would prefer coffee shop level of noise over none at all. Basicly had no classes today, so it seems kind of eeary knowing that its practically over and facing the future, I just wished I brought my coat.


Normally I would only browse here once a month because of a lack of content. Big W, the main problem is that most people will join the main instance because it's the most popular. A LNG term advertising plan for the smaller instances would be a good idea to capture this extra viewer base. (I.e admin posting links to next best instance, creators on other instances posting content on main instance with a promotion at the end.) Random pic I took this summer.


I go to Costa pretty regularly so I have some good insights into the experience of going to Costa.
The first thing (and the most important thing) is the coffee, overall at all locations I’ve been to the coffee is good, if you want a cortado you get a cortado, if you want a latte you get a latte, when compared with other coffee houses who are inconsistent in the strength and quality of their coffee, costa is the same at any franchise. (franchises could be a post in itself)

Compared to the competition
Costa and Starbucks (in the UK) are on equal footing IMO, so it’s purely personal preference for where you want to get you coffee from, but for me Costa is the definite winner.
The different franchises all have unique buildings (or new builds, like the one near me) and clean, well presented interiors, compared with Starbucks which often has sparse decorations in their franchisees, and tend to be in pre-made buildings that aren’t that inviting.
And comparing either to Cafe Nero just isn’t fair to Nero because the last time I went there was over 6 years ago lmao.

Favorite Drink?
I recently tried a Vanilla Latte when they got my order wrong, but it was actually pretty good so that’s in the S+ tier of coffee, the next best is the hot chocolate, plain but gets the job done and my second go to if I’m tired and don’t want to try anything new. And the best drink is probably the chocolate fudge brownie frappe, or just frappes in general because their a meal in themselves so you don’t pay for overpriced M&S food they sell.

The Food
To be fair on M&S food they do put discounts on them when no one buys them, but the same cannot be said for the cakes. The cakes make up the other side of why Costa is my preferred food there.

While it is expensive to go regularly you get quite a bit for the price, for example: as a student you can buy a single drink for £3.50ish and them stay for as long as you want (I usually stay until closing time), you also get access to clean toilets, free internet, and a table to yourself.

Yes I wrote this a while ago and forgot my train of thought but here we are I hope you enjoyed. I wrote the SSD post and finished this while in a class i don't even take. (Picture from Costa in Skipton WY)


After a whole 10 years of service since the first construction of the PC I've retired my hard drive.
At first i lost my Linux install, then i was losing my windows install, so i took my chance to upgrade from an hard drive to an SSD.
From the WD Blue to the WD Green. It took me a long time because i didn't know which connector i needed for an SSD when compared to a hard drive, turns out it's all the same data cable SATA, specifically SATA 3gb. However i was gonna keep on using my hard drive but i only have 1 power cable for a SATA port which is a RIP.

I installed Linux Mint as the host OS on the SSD and i took the Windows 8.1 product key and upgraded it using a Windows 10 install ISO, so I'm now using Mint as the host OS and Windows in a VM. (Although i'm going through the process of making it into a gaming VM (similar to Muta's gaming VM) to play Rust with my low end hardware lmao)

I also got a key keyboard i'll make a post soon. And i found a bouncy ball on the ground as well i'll make a post soon lmao.


Sorry for not posting in a while, there's two reasons: First lemmur app isn't working and hasn't been updated (which would fix it) and i was a bit burnt out from writing content.

So Anyway; I was at college last week for enrichment week where we got to play with several different consoles ranging in age from Ps5 to N64, and a VR Headset (Quest i think) which i played on.

I got to play Resident Evil 4 (VR) for around 45 minutes which was long enough to get to the first large combat encounter.

    **"mOtIOn SicKnEss for 5 seconds"**

So when i first started moving around using the new interface it was very forgein to me and took me 9 minutes for my brain to learn that i'm not moving it's just the game. The tutorial was hyper intuitive and i learnt it instantly. (W game deisgn)
(By the first large encounter i was learning on the desk in the picture so i didn't get distracted by the MotIon sIcknEss i.e losing balance.)

             **The 3 Noticables**
  • So i was into the game and the first thing that stood out to me was how unfocused the headsets' screen was (it was another students headset) which made it hard to focus on anything that wasn't in one very specific part of the screen. - And the second thing that i noticed was how well the enviromental sound was done as it kept me on the edge expecting a jumpscare at when ever i entered the first building. This was surprsing as the sound was using the inbuilt speakers on the headset.

  • The third and final thing is that the shotgun was unaturally hard to reload, you had to exaderate the pumping movement making it hard to use; and it was a pain to use in the large encounter as when it ran out of slugs you had to kyte the enemies and reload at the same time, but you just get overwhelmed and die.

            **Bonus Paragraph** 

The Teachers Had So Much Fun.
Like they were having more fun than some of the students were, it was like i played with the headset for 30-40 minutes, and then the teachers took it and were like losing balance, lauging, and recording each other using it, it was a blast tbh and i think the teachers would put on another enrichment week just for themselves (students included : ) )
Yes those are gas taps never used them tho, maybe for the final practical i have i'll use them.


Happy new year from Egland everyone here's my celebratory egg sandwich! 😁😁😁😁


I went to Gong cha because I wanted to try some of the Bubble Tea that’s very popular.
I saw the shop when I was in the City Center to get my hair cut, so I returned to try the place out.
After stepping into the store front I went over to the touch screen panel to see what they had to offer, I had a look at all the types of tea but I didn’t fancy a lot of them (mainly because they didn’t have pictures) so I went with a Iced Caramel Coffee.
The panel also showed me that you could alter the ice and sugar contents from 0% to 100% for the same price, so I decided that I wanted “30% ice and 30% sugar Iced Caramel Coffee”.
I went up to the counter and sent my order (you could do it from the panel but I was too anxious to try it (and look like an idiot if I failed) ) I got a loyalty card without asking (+rep to the cashier for that), took a seat and waited.
The store front was apart of the Shopping Center so was very nice, clean, and small. There was two full tables and some empty ones; the Bubble Tea started in east Asia, Japan or Korea and was carried by its’ popularity here. I have to point out that I was the only guy in the shop except for one guy who was “dragged” in by his girlfriend to try the Bubble Tea out.
I got my Coffee and tried it out (picture from before I finished it).
The sweetness was just enough, I had thought to make it lower because it’s coffee but I decided not to, and ended up with a very smooth, cold, and drinkable coffee, without the Bubbles, which was a shame but it tasted too good to get caught up on.
Needless to say I took a long walk back to the bus station sipping on my coffee not feeling as depressed.

Overall review best £5 spent on coffee, +loyalty card, +can change ice and sugar to taste 10/10 By Me


One day off from healthy eating won't set me behind much.
Cheap Coco Pops knock-off there was only one bowl left so I used the bag instead. As you can see I used the Signature Builders Bag Technique to keep the bag open.
Finish your own cerial off in 2 easy steps:

  • Open Bag (with cerial inside)
  • Open Milk (with milk inside)
  • Pour Milk into Bag
  • Consume to preference

Try not to fall asleep after eating

Rate my Dinner (lemmy.ml)
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

-The salmon was reduced and had bones in them, so the way I ate it was to eat small sections so I don't damage my mouth. And luckily there was only bones on the spine.
-The peas were frozen nothing special just needed some green on the plate. And probably contains some good nutrience I need and don't know of. And when their cooked well they taste very good.
-The rice is Brown Basmati Rice that I found in my cupboard as the carbohydrates instead of bread, I had it plain because I hadn't had it before, I used 1 3rd of a (literal) cup and the same amount of water to boil it on the hob.
-And the drink is instant decaffeinated coffee, black with no sugar.
Overall a balanced meal would eat again and I hope to find more reduced fish to eat because I can keep on eating healthily and lose weight and have better muscles aswell, the cooking time was around 20 minutes and everything was boiled so there's no added fats. (Also a nice and compact dish, I like that)


The taste is so aromatic compared to just regular coffee.

  • 1-2 Cardamon pods
    Grind up fine, put in cup
  • 1-2 tsp of coffee
    To fill out the coffee
  • Hot water, and maybe milk
    If you really want to you can put the ground cardamon into a small siv (can't spell) and pour the water around it instead of having it in the bottom.
    My Syrian friend made this coffee for me and he said that you mix the coffee beans and the cardamon pods, so I tried just cardamon in hot water which was nice by itself, and now I've upgraded the experience of Syrian Coffee with both the cardamom and coffee.

Context: I didn't charge my PineTime for a month and when I charged it to full it was stuck on the InfiniTime loading screen for more than 5 minutes.
I tried the Green, Blue, and Red boots with no difference in results, manually turning it off results in repeated loading screen, and it was bootlooping into the green pinecone rapidly just a moment ago.
Info: Off for 1 month 0% battery, v1.0 HW, and software version 1.10 "Yellow Mango", Sealed Version, no damage.
Any help would be nice, I wanted to get new straps for it because the plastic ones were making my wrists hurt.
I'm gonna leave it 100% charged for a day to see any changes from the loading infinitime screen.


I'm an arachniphobe. Sometimes when I dream just before I wake up (and before I go to sleep) I'll sometimes dream about spiders, a common one of mine is that I'll just start thinking of spiders when I close my eyes and try to go to sleep.
Another instance of this was just before this post. (and what prompted me to write about this)
So I dreamt about two small normal spiders that were living in the plug holes inside the earth (UK plug top plug) and the neutral (the left one). I walked into a shop of some kind and brushed my fingers across the plug holes because it wasn't working (the spiders were blocking the connection) and these two small, striped, brown and dull black spiders get pulled out, both of them attached to the inside via webbing so they just hang there against the plug and pull themselves back in.
And I just observed the plugs thinking "I'm not touching that." for the rest of the dream.
I went to sleep at a weird time outside my routine so this isn't too bad, I just don't get the overall spider obsession my subconscious has.
It's not that farfetched to call this somewhere between a dream and a nightmare, but I didn't feel any fear, just don't go near it. (I tried to find the most inoffensive spider picture I could think of.)


I have 2 out of 3 of the Lego Botanical Collection.
The first model I got was the Bonsai Tree and was a present for my birthday. It's very versatile when it comes to the different looks it can have, the style I have; green leaves and blooming flowers, is one that I made up because I thought it looked nice compared to the other two generic styles. ( All White with blooms or All Green and no blooms.)
The two glass vase plants flanking to each side of the Bonsai I got when i finished my GCSEs last year. It's called the Flower Bouquet and comes with another 6 single stem plants, but I don't have anywhere to put the rest so I've only got these on display for now. I chose these plants because they look appealing, I used the rule of 3, and the colors to decide which ones. (And the ones that weren't top heavy.)
The final one I want to get is the Orchid plant so I can finally fore-fill the rule of three with the plants themselves and finish the whole collection.
While looking online apparently I have the whole 2nd collection and the Orchid is not apart of this collection, but i'm still gonna get it to complete the rule of three.
(No i haven't read half the books on the book shelf it was just a good background for this post.)

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

-Two large tsps of instant coffee
-Dissolve with hot water in the bottom of the cup
-Stir, add milk
-Put ice in glass, move coffee to your glass

Cheaper than Starbucks
I'm gonna try this with ground coffee and different types of milk. Overall the coffee sets the taste and intensity while the milk sets the texture of the coffee. (Make coffee in a cup then move it to a glass when milk is added to avoid breaking the glass)


Downloading OSU to beat up my friend and gonna I'm gonna draw more using krita. I got the One medium by Wacom and it's really good so far, it looks so clean, sleek glad I bought it.

Leaked feet pics


So I bought my Kindle around 3 years ago in 2019, and for the first couple of months I didn't use it all that much, but when I did the first book I bought, wasn't a book, but an audio book called Elemental, an over the top, engaging, story-driven science book that explains how to use chemistry to dispose of a dead body. --Aswell as other things--

  • An Audio "Experience"
    But since i bought the book on the Kindle and it had no audio jack, a roadblock was reached... This is how I imagine what using an Iphone is like. It took me a week to get enough money for a cheap pair of Bluetooth headphones that sounded like shit, but worked --only-- with the Kindle and its outdated Bluetooth version.
    Needless to say the audio-book feature is dependent on the Bluetooth headphones you use and nothing else.

  • A True Reading Experience
    But the same no audio jack comparison cannot be made with the reading experience on the Kindle. It has a clear and compact screen, that's a good size for my large hands, while keeping a clarity comparable to an Iphone.
    The first book i bought on the Kindle was Reincarnated as a Sword, an Isekai series about the adventures of a Sentient Sword who saves a slave girl, and their adventures around the world doing Isekai stuffs. Reading is the stone cold strength of the Kindle and the screen is only as responsive as it needs to be, and beats having a real book hands-down for the quality of reading.

  • Cons and Updates
    However because this is an IOT device that is owned by Amazon, it isn't scared to collect personal information. I put my Kindle on airplane mode from the moment i got it, and only last year did i put the internet back on. And after a restart it received an overhaul of an update, that in all honesty is a direct upgrade from the older version of Kindle, the biggest upgrade for me is the collections you can make for books you're reading on the device.

  • In Conclusion
    After finishing The Time Machine using the Kindle it's been a great experience. Not to mention the great experience of reading 75% of my library on my Kindle; and the majority of it isn't from the Kindle store, and if you use the workarounds for avoiding Amazon data collection this is definitely the Ereader to have for a reasonable price between £120-£140.

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