Something be Neal Stephenson, lol.
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Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace
House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski
Complete works of Shakespeare, I guess? For an ebook though, I have an 11k-page single file that has all 15 Wheel of Time books, that was a fun read, June through November
Learning Python from O'Reilly
Imagica. The original version in a single book.
I have a hardcover Mark Twain anthology. It's either that or the Jack London collection.
I have a dictionary of English's most unpronouncable words (90% of it is simply medical or other scientific words). It's like 2 feet thick and as big as a coffee table.
I only bought it because of its absurd size and it is also the most expensive book I own (IIRC it was about $200).
Either the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy in a side book or On Food and Cooking.
My wife has me beat with The Globes Illustrated Shakespeare the complete works
1989 Chilton Auto Repair Manual
Children of Pride
I have a 词海 hanging around. That's a single-volume dictionary of every word in the (modern) Chinese language. It doesn't qualify to be a pocket book for certain and not even a handbook. It belongs on a podium like a medieval tome.
The thickest one is probably "The joy of cooking" -a cook book of course. If not that than a "Sword of truth" series book cause those are pretty thick too. Maybe I'll grab a ruler when I get home....and some bugles of course.
The Complete Novels of James Joyce