I feel like I need a shower after reading this
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With a Catholic priest no doubt.
Reminds me of the reverse exercism
Where the devil tells the priest to get out of the boy
Maybe that's why Christians hate Satan
Ima go wash my hands and phone now. And then puke.
Abstinence makes the church grow fondlers.
I agree with many of the other reactions, but the chosen photo is just way too good.
Jesus Christ
Burn ward
I literally said, "oh, fucking brutal," out loud.
A moaning out loud or a angry out loud?
I guess with the same tone you'd use when saying, "oh, burn!"
OoOh bUrn
Why are you singling out Catholics? The Protestants are the same.
Applies to many different denominations. Catholics have had more opportunities to be prolific with it though.
You’re not from the Bible Belt, are you?
Unfortunately I am
Well that’s the culture in every Bible Belt state in which I’ve resided or visited, and Northern/Western states where people have moved. I was very blind for a long time. Oh and families. Daddy gets what Daddy wants, one way or the other.
They don't have a worldwide criminal organization with tens of billions of dollars backing them up and they don't claim to be the moral authority of the human race. Please stop downplaying the organized criminal nature of what they have done and continue to do.
Projection or ignorance. I speak truth, especially Southern sects, Southern Baptists, Pentecostal, Four Square, Holiness, non-denominational. The most certainly do, and I will speak truth to power. You will not silence me.
Fine go ahead and downplay childrape
What do you think I’m talking about? Legos?
Lol damn. "To pop" would also work.