Its a disturbing tend and more evidence to own physical copies.
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Or to pirate
Yep, with move towards disc's becoming glorified license checks that allow you to download the game it's piracy that will end up actually preserving anything.
There's no move towards that on PlayStation. Maybe on nintendo where they don't put the entire game on the cart sometimes but it's still rare.
With the state of games at launch how many are there that you'd want the unpatched version.
Also there is Jedi Survivor
Literally most, i play most of my games at launch, and they work fine. some are absolute messes like that game, most, 99.9% of games work fine.
people see the few high end AAA messes and attribute all games to that because all anyone can see is outrage.
Unfortunately the only thing likely to come out of this is a class action lawsuit where the lawyers make millions and each user gets a check for $0.12.
I have thousands of dollars of purchases over the years from the iTunes Store, please don’t let this be my future….
This is the eventual future of all digital services around TV, music, and film. All these licensing contracts have an end date
Fortunately not music, all my purchases are available for drm free download and I keep my own backups. Really hate that video isn’t treated the same way.
Where do you get your music from?
A lot of my library’s history is from iTunes, but most things I’ve gotten in the last 5 or so years I’ve tried to get from Bandcamp, and then Beatport if I need lossless and iTunes if I can do without.
Thanks for the info!