Agreed. This is blatant rent seeking. The enshitification will continue until the working class has nothing.
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Damn this is really sad. I had been planning on backing up my wife's save game data since she passed recently.
You can backup game saves to USB on PS5 for PS5 titles, but with no option to control which saves are backed up. Go to Settings > System. Select System Software > Back Up and Restore > Back Up Your PS5.
There you can choose to back up saves only, but it's also mandatory to save the system settings taking up 1GB of storage and you can't choose which saves are to be backed up. You have to copy all of them.
Thank you for the info! At least there's a way.
Sorry to hear that, my condolences. I've also trying to record my gaming session with my son just so in case some unforseen happened, he can still have all those happy memories at his hand.
(Oh, yeah, fuck Google as well, I am gonna dump my videos somewhere safe and high quality. Google photo's compression/free space is getting worse.)
Yeah, PS3 was the golden age of Sony consoles to me, since lot of the tech that is standard now didn't have the paywalls they do now. Like being able to back up saves and most importantly paying for online multiplayer.
Then starting with PS4 multiplayer became pay walled and people defended it due to PS+ saying it's a good value, but I didn't want any of that and just wanted multiplayer. And now they've moved towards gatewalling more things like even local saves to PS+ if you want to back up.
Yes, it really is sad trend. I don't mind paying for service/product with good value, how they do with PS plus and PS5 save will make me think quite a bit when they release next console. If not for their first party "single player" games, I doubt PS is going to be as popular. My PS5 usage is already much lower than PS3/4 era, I might not get next gen console unless it has good package that come with it. (oh yeah, save file back up also a consideration, since you can't really do memory card like old times. )
Happened for me last gen where I ended up only picking up exclusives for my PS4, since I refused to pay for multiplayer. I haven't liked how companies have been bundling services that not everyone wants to be able to charge more.
Yeah infuriating what’s going on. I opened the iOS app just to find the feedback page to let them know I’ve cancelled my Plus subscription because of their greed.
Is the issue that you can't back up games individually? You can still do a bulk backup of all PS5 saves to USB.
This comment elsewhere in this thread outlines how you can back up PS5 saves (in bulk):
it is very bad implementation:
- it takes way more storage space for backing up
- if you alternate between 2 games restore will wreck both's progression.
- it's intentionally frustration to force you buy ps plus like time saver/exp boost mtx for grindy games.
So no, F to Sony, I am not paying. Yeah, it pretty much means I will not buy day 1 launch until the game is much stable after a couple patch in the future even for the exclusives. I have a video on a bug for GoW:Ragnarok still not getting fixed so far.(you have to reload most recent check point to fix it. I don't know if some people will accidentally trip that bug and can't get it fixed until they restart the game.
You won't be able to keep your ps5 not updated fwiw, not unless you plan to not play another game newer than today on it.
New games will require a patched system
The whole thing is annoying and I might unsub, but I really don't care to go to these lengths tbh, but you have fun