The Creator was fucking horrible
It's a movie about racism. The so called "AI" are literally Humans with holes in their neck. The whole AI thingy is just clickbait, because AI is THE bait topic nowadays. The is no moral dilemma in racism. Furthermore, literally everything in the movie was made too look or sound cool without giving any second thought to it.
Nothing about the "AI" made in any way sense: >!If they are persecuted by the Americans, why don't they add synthetic skin on their neck? Who would create synthetic humans without changing anything except a hole in the neck? Better eyes so they are not blinded by smoke bombs? Efficient communication and data transfer? Stronger limbs? Why should they continue human religious tradition? Why should they sleep? How does this child "AI" grow? How does this child control any machine? What is even considered a machine? Has it just telekinesis?!<
Nothing about the big fucking floating ship made any sense: >!Why are they above every place in new asia at the same time? Why do they need to, if they can just fire their rockets from anywhere anyway (proof: end of the movie)? Why do they use BLUE LIGHT to warn their targets before shooting (same with the tanks)? Why can't the rockets fly autonomously? Why are the "AIs" running towards a huge falling metal ship meteor at the end? Why doesn't the landing produce a shockwave?!<
Other stuff didn't make any sense either: >!If can they revive humans in synthetic human bodies, why does being dead for longer limit this to a few seconds with full capabilities, instead of resulting in a half brain-dead human? Why do they produce bombs that warn the victims by beeping before exploding? Why don't the AIs that capture the MC just take away the MCs prosthesis so he can't do shit?!<
2/10, because the animals were cute and funny.