I didn’t realize I had a kink for Florida giving up over 200 yards to a single running back in a single half. But here we are
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Just tuned in. I remember a time long ago (this morning) when I was sad that I had a bunch of shit to do today and wouldn't be able to simply sit down and watch this game.
That was then.
You love to see it
Me at stop light: “Hey Siri, what’s the score of the Florida Kentucky game?”
Siri: “Florida is getting demolished by Kentucky, 33-14.”
Et tu, Siri? Et tu?
gata fans are having a real up and down season
No, florida upsetting the vols is about as stock standard as a season gets in gainsville.
Source: Am a vols fan
Weird thing is, record-wise this just puts us about where we'd expect to be. It's been a jarring ride, though.
I've not been following Kentucky, but they look nasty!!!
Geez. Davis has activated beast mode.
Do a barrel roll!
Touchdown Gators!
Gotta go pick up my kid. I assume all is now well and Florida will easily make up this deficit while I'm out.
Facemask, horse collar, and late out of bounds. That's gotta be more than a personal foul.
This is the one game a year where I root for kentucky
I always root against Louisville because Bobby Petrino
Kentucky is almost certainly getting the ball back this half, if Florida doesn’t score on this drive I can’t see them digging their way out of this hole