Yeah but the teams in the ncg both lost to terrible teams, ND especially. I think anOSU fans will genuinely still consider this a spoiled season 10 years down the road because they lost the game. And in my mind, that has GOT to be enough to keep a team from being the best in the nation. If we won every game except florida, I would enjoy the NC, but I would still look back at the season as a faliure. The media moguls don't understand this. And I can't reasonably vote against this. At the end of the day, I'm still a cfb sicko, and I will watch the playoff as it continues to expand, even though its not what I want.
And this has been my argument for years. It's silly to pretend that all 13-whatever teams in DI-FBS play the same sport. Hell in a conference like the B1G it's silly to pretend that all teams in a conference play the same sport. COLLEGE FOOTBALL DOESN'T NEED A NATIONAL CHAMPION. Let the teams play against their regional rivals. The fans and students are manic and show true hate (in a mostly controlled way) in these games, and that is so dang fun. 2022 TSIO was the essentially the first time in my life that that game had the same national implications that it used to, but I've never once given a damn about the whole state of alabama. If you really want to argue about who the best team any given year is, argue over it like kids arguing about baseball card stats. But the cat's out of the bag now, there can be no going back to no cfp and certainly not back to no title game.
I wish I knew, in my mind that's effectively what the 12 team playoff is anyway. Seeds 5-12 are playing into the tournament. I think kinda like @[email protected] said, this is solely an ego move from the SEC and B1G.
I've never heard of the swiss system before, but I genuinely like the sound of this.
Greatest Conference in the World
All other Conferences are run by little girls
128 team single elimination tournament, first round losers are relegated to FCS every season. Seeding is based on the previous year's non revenue team performances in their respective National Championships
Not that I'm a tiger but FUCK the tide!
So just a regular florida man then?
Whole damn album knocks my tiddies around. Did you know these two weren't even in the same country while recording this?
To be clear Greenland should absolutely unequivocally remain autonomous under danish rule but I mean, this is a name change I could get behind lol
Finally bought myself a tv last year, and you would not believe the look on the guys face when I said "No I want a dumb tv". It was the same look I got when I first moved to ca and ordered a smoothie with no boba... like I had just shot somebody.
Why are we trying our best idea second?