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That's a smart workaround! Thanks
A whole pineapple??!!
And it went where??
Guess I knew that was coming. I might've made the same wisecrack if someone else had asked the same question.
So, revised question: WHY is a comment not available in my region? Is this something the user can opt into or out of? Also, I'm in America, so what about muh freedum?
Theres nothing coded in lemmy to do that, just something someone probably said as a joke.
I found the comment you were referring to and it was due to the article not being visible outside certain countries (I assume its just visible in the US and Canada since I can see it here in Canada)
For another country:
Ahhhhhh. It suddenly makes perfect sense.
Thank you.
My wife said I'd miss the green beans even if they were right in front of me on the shelf.
We say "it's going to bite you," meaning that if it were a bright-colored snake, you would still miss it.