The loot: Three bread, two bones, and an iron horse armor
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And my favorite "Lure 1 + Curse of binding" book
But at what cost?
What's your deep dark strategy? I tried walking on wool and spawned him at the first chest I opened haha. Yea I did try and pad the chest. Does a distraction flappy trapdoor work well? I'm scared :D
Guess I'll try dropping my stuff somewhere and going butt naked so I don't have much to loose, I'm not playing hc right now.
Well as a man of culture, I practice the tried and true "YOLO" strategy. I find an edge of the city and make a 24 block 2-tall tunnel with a base camp and a bed. I keep a pick, axe, hoe, shears, wool pile, water bucket, and food in my inventory, plus sometimes pearls though not so much lately. I keep a supply of night vision potion making stuff with me. I make a vague effort to sneak up to shriekers and break them (with wool as needed) but if I see a chest and trigger a shrieker, I just axe the chest and pick it all up then get away. I have xaero's minimap mod, so I have a good sense of what part of the city I'm in. For a place like this, it's usually a tactical shrieker breaking YOLO and retreat. I'll then return after going to another area and letting this warden calm down. if I get like 4-5 wardens about, I'll pillar up 24 blocks in the center of the city and go get a drink or something for a few minutes. There's a lot of running back and forth to my base camp to dump junk.