Hold up, do people actually not just have a small trash can in the bathroom??
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According to many of my female friends, yes, actually!
My housemate (we’re both men) was so confused when I got a bin for the toilet.
His girlfriend commented on it as he never had a bin at his old apartment
This is shocking. Shocking!
Well I don't but I have a very small bin that is perfect for the toilet lying around, I might as well put it to the toilet thanks to this post
To go along with that, if you are adding one for having a lady friend over, you can have a container of individually sealed tampons or pads available. They will likely never need it but in the event that they do, you'll have gone a long ways to making them more comfortable. When you first show them around your place, and mention the bathroom location, just casually mention that there is an SOS kit that has a few things like pads/tampons/etc in it and don't be awkward about it.
Not just for hygiene products and cotton swabs but facial tissues too. You'd think tissues would be flushable, but they're made differently than TP and don't dissolve the same way. So they clog up the machines at the wastewater treatment plant and make their job harder. Do your local turd swirler employees a solid and don't flush your tissues.
I thought this was a given. I have a rubbish bin with a lid and it also functions as a sharps container.
Ye, I'm surprised that many don't have a bin. Where do they throw away the hygiene/medicine stuff too like used floss, swabs, tissues, completely used products, etc.?
Sharps container?
A container for sharp things, like needles or razor blades.
What the hell? There are people who don't have toilet paper in their bathroom? Do you stick your dick in the bidet every time you had a piss?
Bonus points if the trashcan has a lid.
I find that having a trash can in the bathroom is useful for everyone, at least for me personally. I tend to accumulate empty bottles of shampoo/body wash if I don't react to it immediately, so having a trash can nearby can expedite that process. Also useful for things like floss picks, razor containers (don't throw straight razors down to the trash can), and many more.