Weird And Oddly Specific Playlists
a place for weird, unique, or oddly specific playlists. please read the pinned post here for a more detailed description
the rules:
- be civil. let’s try to keep our community as chill as possible. no bullying, zero tolerance for transphobia, hate speech or any of that bigoted bullshit.
- be content with the content. if someone didn't make a playlist the way you would, make your own and post it please. no bullying, no picking on, mocking or complaining about anyones playlist or musical tastes.
- remember: all music is good music to someone. general discussions about music you like and don’t like is fine, but please refrain from comments that will make someone feel bad about what they enjoy.
- no self-promotion. this is not a group for promoting your music or a business, website, app, instagram.. you get the idea. it's just playlists in here
If Cotton Eye Joe doesn't get your motor running then there's something very wrong with you
Maybe it's me, a song about getting cucked by a half blind swedish fiddle player in rural appalachia leaves me limper than a sweaty spaghetti noodle in Ted Cruz's butt crack.
Please stop, I can only be come so erect
That would be #1 on my wife's list if I let her control the music (she never let's a song play for more than 30s)
Damn that leaves time for 3 more rounds!
I want to be having as good a time as Paul Shaffer seems to be having in that video
It's called cocaine.
Is he the one shaking his head like a crying baby?
Did you know the album that “God Bless the USA” is from also contains the song “Dixie?”
I thought you were talking about Dixie Road, but, no, it's just the Confederate anthem.
How about The Unicorn, by The Irish Rovers?
It's a perfectly lovely song, written by Shel Silverstein of "Where the sidewalk ends" and "A boy named sue" fame
Coolio - Gangster's Paradise Jimmy Buffet - Margaritaville The National Anthem Marilyn Manson - The Beautiful People Lou Bega - Mambo #5
Don't know if non-spotify, or videogame music is acceptable, but here's some tunes that are sure to keep turgidity far far away.
Kirby's Pinball Land - Title Theme
Richard Cheese - People = Shit (Slipknot Cover)
Good ol' Dick Cheese has a good bunch of anti-sexy tunes. He does lounge singer covers of popular music that doesn't fit the style.
Without me - ragtime remix
Goat Simulator Official Trailer Soundtrack (Extended version)
Earthworm Jim 2 (PS1) Soundtrack - Title Screen
Earthworm Jim 2 (PS1) Soundtrack - Inflated Head
Earthworm Jim 2 (PS1) Soundtrack - The Flying King & Level Ate
Pokémon Colosseum Music ~ Miror B.
No virginity protecting playlist could ever be complete without the quintessential clown music:
Julius Fucik - Entry of the Gladiators
I can't add to the playlist (it's not mine) but I'm loving all these suggestions!
Challenge accepted