So anyway, that's a list. A better one might include:
- Brazil
- Lifeforce
- Forbidden Planet
- Dark Star
- Alphaville
- The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
- Flash Gordon (1980)
- Barbarella
- Ghost in the Shell (1995)
- Silent Running
This magazine is aimed at fans and creators of sci-fi and related media of all kinds. It includes all content related to the sci-fi genre and only content related to the sci-fi genre. The goal is to build a community for everyone who enjoys science fiction and related topics. This includes the obvious books, movies, and TV shows, but also original writing, the discussion of writing SF, futuristic art and designs, and the science and technologies that inspire the sci-fi genre. **Team Top 20**
So anyway, that's a list. A better one might include:
Primer is one the better mind-fucking sci-fi movies.
Another vote for Predestination. That's really a WTF film!
How about Dark City but I can't stress enough the importance of the directors cut. The theatrical release had a studio imposed opening narrative that spoils most of the movies surprises!
First one on the list is Black Swan. I haven't seen it, but I have never seen it associated with science fiction.
Most people use the term Science Fiction in a colloquial manner that means anything that has fantastical elements.
Based on these criteria every non-documentary movie is a science-fiction. Also, Black Swan is not a science-fiction movie, just a speculative fiction.
I don’t know what to tell you. You can argue taxonomy all you want and it won’t change how people use the term. Just look at the lists people are posting in this thread. None of them are science fiction to me, they are fantasy, political satire, and speculative fiction.
It's a spectrum. It can be argued that Star Trek is not science fiction because it contains time travel, which is, as far as current scientific knowledge tells us, impossible.
But most people will agree that it is science fiction, albeit a space opera, or soft science fiction if you will, in both senses of the term.
Cloud Atlas (2012)
Cube (1997)
The Fountain (2006)
Since we are making lists:
Blade Runner Moon Ex Machina Robocop The Martian
Honorable mention for Primer, the best time travel movie ever made.
The ten films on the list:
Black Swan (2010)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
Blade Runner 2049 (2017)
Pi (1998)
Annihilation (2018)
Mulholland Drive (2001)
Donnie Darko (2001)
Primer (2004)
The Matrix (1999)
Inception (2010)
Couple good ones on that list, but over all not what I would choose to highlight. Other comments are mentioning some of them.. one I haven't seen mentioned...Event Horizon anyone? Maybe too horror for some but it is definitely sci-fi and so damn good.