Yeah, I really do wonder when the government and rest of the people start to seriously consider if it is worth it dropping $50 billion on places like SoCal and South Florida every few years or so. At some point you need to do the math and ask hard questions about whether it is worth it, and the answer damn well may be no.
I gotta say I'm feeling a little bit better about the election results. They've made it clear they don't intend to do a single thing they talked about, and that it is, was, and always will be 100% about money. So I don't think we really need to worry about WWIII, Gilead, mass deportations and arrests etc, because that would disrupt business and make the billionaires slightly - ever so slightly - less billionairish.
I guess I take issue with the fact that you can't realistically opt out. Maybe if you are a wilderness survivalist type then maybe you can go do a Thoreau or Davy Crocket or whatever and just build a log cabin in the woods somewhere. But that's very rare these days, and society is moving forward so fast that tens of millions of people are being left behind because they lack the technical skills to thrive in a modern economy, and the survival skills to thrive in an old school agrarian economy. When that many people are left behind, it becomes a major social problem that'll come home to roost eventually.
I just saw a documentary of some sort talking about how movies and tv shows these days are specifically designed to be watchable with minimal viewer engagement because everyone is on their phone and the tv is a second screen. At least, I think that's what they were saying, I was barely paying attention because I was on my phone doom scrolling. I've done every drug in the book plus a bunch that I'd be seriously impressed if you had ever heard of them, and none of them touch the addictiveness of my stupid phone.
I'm moving to Southeast Asia to grow my business. Right now, I’m making $30-50k gross revenue before expenses; solid, but not enough to live comfortably in the West. So I’m heading to Kuala Lumpur, a city I love, where the cost of living is super affordable. I’ll work a bit, enjoy tons of free time, explore the region, lower my stress, and live much better overall. Sure, I could take a $200k job in NY/LA/SF, but after taxes, rent, and everything else, what’s the point? Freedom isn’t just about fuck you money or revenue streams, it’s about being geographically neutral and choosing the best places on the planet for quality of life and value.
Serious answer: an astonishing, alarming chunk of the american population believes the reason why there are social problems, things like school shootings et al, is because there isn't enough religion. They truly believe that MORE religion is the answer. It's disgusting and intellectually offensive, and I'll fight to the death against anyone trying to force me to adhere to their superstitious dogma (praise be, under his eye). So you should be aware that's the ideology.
This is the natural result of decades of sustained exponential growth. At roughly 10%/yr, markets will double every 7-8 years. That's three doubling times in about 25 years, or 2^3 which is 8x. And that's how you get a house that was like $100k-$200k in the year 2000 to turn into a house for like $800k-$1.2m in 2024. It's only going to get worse.
Homeboy probably spent .000001% of the money on PR, bought a shitton of bitcoin with the rest, go to jail a few years, buy an island when he gets out, maybe Trump will be willing to sell Greenland to him at that point who knows