
joined 1 year ago
[–] Fapper_McFapper 40 points 2 months ago (3 children)

The call is coming from inside the house!

[–] Fapper_McFapper 8 points 2 months ago

Car fillers, like Bondo, are sturdier than you think.

[–] Fapper_McFapper 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

No, when you say that cannabis is not legal in the USA in any state in any sense…

What exactly do you mean by that? I just gave you numerous examples of the legality of cannabis in some states. I literally have a state issued ID to have and consume marijuana. How do you justify your statement with the facts I have given you?

[–] Fapper_McFapper 3 points 2 months ago (2 children)

That’s exactly what an AI would say…

Good morning Flying Squid!

[–] Fapper_McFapper 25 points 2 months ago

Three words:

Roe versus Wade.

[–] Fapper_McFapper 11 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (3 children)

the US is not legal in any sense in any state…

Can you elaborate? Because I have purchased legally sold cannabis up the East coast of the USA. Both recreational and medical cannabis. Do you mean on a federal level?

I also own a medical cannabis card issued to me by the state I live in.

I’m also unsure about your corporation comments. Most dispensaries are owned by mom and pops or startups. Do, do you live in the USA? Just curious.

[–] Fapper_McFapper 19 points 2 months ago

What an amazing piece. Thank you!

[–] Fapper_McFapper 1 points 2 months ago

How did it do that? I ask because my volume was also turned all the way down. Next thing I know I’m being blasted by a Saudi Arabia ad.

[–] Fapper_McFapper 8 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Boycott Worst Buy!

[–] Fapper_McFapper 7 points 3 months ago

Absolutely agree with you as well. Natural growth as a byproduct would mean that those that wish to stay in the fediverse like what the see and stay with the community.

Thank you mods (self.conservative)

Just want to say thank you to the mods for the mentally exhausting and under appreciated work you do.

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