The worst part of their MTX is the $50 bundle giving the player the ability to be a skeleton, just like the NPCs.
This game was fun a year ago, now with all the MTX and bugs it's not fun anymore.
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The worst part of their MTX is the $50 bundle giving the player the ability to be a skeleton, just like the NPCs.
This game was fun a year ago, now with all the MTX and bugs it's not fun anymore.
People actually play this game? Watched Jerma play it a while back and it looks terrible tbh
It's rough, but an interesting interpretation of an extraction royale set in a dungeon crawler. Just wish the combat and movement was better made, it feels like you're swinging underwater and walking on molasses at the same time.
It was popular enough that Nexon tried to sue it because one of the devs pitched similar idea when he was working at Nexon.
It doesnt look visually good because most of the assets are store assets.
It's actually a great time, I loved playing the tests