In fact they stimulate the immune system! That’s how vaccines work.
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from what I've seen irl, anyone who needs to be told this is a lost cause
That is what I was thinking as well. If someone gets all of their medical information from Facebook, "showing them the science" would probably be counter productive.
It's not a lost cause all the time. I convinced my neighbors to get their COVID vaccination, but it took time and I had to strategically counter any conspiracy theories they had heard. One trick I like is to make them sound stupid in a way they realize that they sound stupid, without insulting or degrading them.
Conspiracy theories are usually built on extremely fragile false assumptions and coated in numerous layers of bullshit. If you get lucky, you can just kick the foundation and the rest of the story falls apart.
Thank you for this. It's helpful to know about the paper, and it's rebuttal before being confronted with ThE pApEr.
Also this is THE ISSUE with preprints. We all want to know everything, and we want to know it before everyone else. This paper shouldn't make it out of preprint, without significant changes, and probably not ever.