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200 Euro per person? Shut up and take my money.
I wonder what US military suppliers think of all this?
Isn’t a EU a huge buyer? They sure as heck won’t be anymore.
They'll be selling to Russia instead, I guess.
I made a comment that we will know we have reached a full geo political flip once CNN proudly announces:
The first weapons delivery to the Russian Federation has been completed, in their brave fight against Ukrainian nazi regime who is being enabled by the EU in shameless genocide of the Russian speakers across Europe! US is looking to stay of the war but Russia continue to suffer on the battle field D Day 2 is on the table and this time we won't come as an "ally"
Time to join the French Foreign Legion, I guess.
Macron isn't the leader I personally want, he's too much of a neoliberal, but... in many ways he's the leader we need right now.
He's also a narcissistic liar high on power. He can go...